Content referencing Sameena Mulla

Marquette’s Institute for Women’s Leadership publishes white paper looking at impact of pandemic on court services for domestic abuse survivors
Milwaukee National Lawyers Guild Applauds Charging Decision in the Murder of Jay Anderson
Op Ed: Marquette Should Respect Shared Governance
Op Ed

Marquette Should Respect Shared Governance

The president shouldn’t dictate. Faculty should be involved in decisions about university’s future.

AAUP Submits Resolution to Academic Senate Calling for Suspension of Budget Cut Process
President’s Challenge for COVID-19 response winners announced
Press Release

President’s Challenge for COVID-19 response winners announced

Three community-engaged, interdisciplinary programs will be funded to address mental health and wellness and economic revitalization

MU Faculty, Grad Students Demand a Union

MU Faculty, Grad Students Demand a Union

SEIU says Marquette’s non-tenured workers need higher wages, health care.