Content referencing Nik Rettinger III

Young Republicans Say They’re Ready To Lead Wisconsin GOP

Young Republicans Say They’re Ready To Lead Wisconsin GOP

New polling suggests those under 30 are leaning more toward Republican party than in the past.

The State of Politics: Turnover High For Republican Convention Delegates
The State of Politics

Turnover High For Republican Convention Delegates

Few rank-and-file delegates from past conventions are included. Why?

The State of Politics: One-Fourth of Assembly Will Be Newbies
The State of Politics

One-Fourth of Assembly Will Be Newbies

Fair maps drawn by both parties for first time in 12 years could transform the Assembly.

Assembly Proposal Shakes Up UW System

Assembly Proposal Shakes Up UW System

Automatic enrollment, stripping racial preferences, adding free speech rules.

Assembly Bill Would Allow Milwaukee, Other Cities To Count Absentee Ballots Early

Assembly Bill Would Allow Milwaukee, Other Cities To Count Absentee Ballots Early

Day-before processing seeks to end late night results.

Bill Would Allow New Bars To Offer Indoor Cigar, Pipe Smoking

Bill Would Allow New Bars To Offer Indoor Cigar, Pipe Smoking

City of Milwaukee could support the bill, but raised questions over regulation.

Bill Requires Judge’s OK Before Prosecutors Could Drop Certain Charges

Bill Requires Judge’s OK Before Prosecutors Could Drop Certain Charges

Law enforcement groups support it, ACLU opposes it.

Assembly Passes School Crime, Conversion Therapy Bills

Assembly Passes School Crime, Conversion Therapy Bills

Bill provides no funding for school resource officers. Democrats oppose both bills.

Bill Would Require Armed School Resource Officers

Bill Would Require Armed School Resource Officers

Republican proposal requires all schools to track crimes, hire officer after enough incidents.

Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin Celebrates Primary Election Victories
Wisconsin Young Republicans Endorse Rick Loughery for Young Republican National Federation Chairman
Press Release

Wisconsin Young Republicans Endorse Rick Loughery for Young Republican National Federation Chairman

The election will take place at the biennial YRNF Convention July 24th-28th in Omaha

Leah unveils 100+ Wisconsin endorsements
Press Release

Leah unveils 100+ Wisconsin endorsements

Elected officials, grassroots activists and business owners unite behind Leah