Nasser ‘Nas’ Musa

Content referencing Nas Musa

Who Will Win 3rd District Aldermanic Race Between Brower and Bauman?

Who Will Win 3rd District Aldermanic Race Between Brower and Bauman?

And what does socialist Alex Brower have in common with Republican Bob Donovan?

Brower, Bauman Advance From 8-Way Race to Replace Brostoff

Brower, Bauman Advance From 8-Way Race to Replace Brostoff

Alexander Kostal narrowly finishes third.

Fighting For A Safer, Stronger Milwaukee
Press Release

Fighting For A Safer, Stronger Milwaukee


Statement From Aldermanic Candidate Nas Musa
Press Release

Statement From Aldermanic Candidate Nas Musa

Rising Star Pledges to Lead From the Grassroots Up, Elevating City Services, Supporting Neighbors, and Tackling Racism

City Hall: District 3 Aldermanic Candidate Narrowly Survives Nomination Challenge
City Hall

District 3 Aldermanic Candidate Narrowly Survives Nomination Challenge

Election Commission reverses decision. Eight candidates are running for eastside seat.

Nas Musa Announces Candidacy for Milwaukee’s 3rd Aldermanic District
Fish and Chicken Restaurant Planned For 27th Street

Fish and Chicken Restaurant Planned For 27th Street

New fast food spot would replace MooSa's.

MooSa’s Closes on Near West Side

MooSa’s Closes on Near West Side

New fast food restaurant is slated to replace the business, as owners prepare to reopen lakefront stand in May.

Now Serving: Return of The Cheel Nepalese Restaurant
Now Serving

Return of The Cheel Nepalese Restaurant

Plus: New location for sushi, new burger joint, and WMSE Chili Cookoff coming.

Dining: New Burger Joint in Merrill Park

New Burger Joint in Merrill Park

Owners of MooSa's on Lincoln Memorial Dr. opening second location on 27th and St. Paul.