Social Development Foundation Manager LaToya Jones.

Content referencing LaToya Jones

City Braces For Fallout From January’s Eviction Wave

City Braces For Fallout From January’s Eviction Wave

Berrada Properties Management Inc. filed more than 1,000 evictions in a matter of weeks.

Housing Advocates Prepare For End of Eviction Moratorium

Housing Advocates Prepare For End of Eviction Moratorium

With no extension in sight, advocates are scrambling for solutions to an expected tidal wave of evictions.

SDC May Slash Tax Help Service

SDC May Slash Tax Help Service

Funds for non-profit tax prep program at risk, thousands of low income families get help.

SDC Tax Assistance Program Saved

SDC Tax Assistance Program Saved

United Way grant assures that free tax assistance program can serve thousands.

SDC Could Make More Program Cuts

SDC Could Make More Program Cuts

Needs to raise $40,000 by year's end or must cut its income tax assistance program.

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program in Need of Matching Funds
Press Release

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program in Need of Matching Funds

Donations are needed by organizations and individuals to support the operation of this valuable program that allows crucial dollars to stay within the household of low and middle-income individuals and families.