Born June 16, 1958; married; 1 child. B.S. with honors in education Southern Illinois U. 1980; M.P.H. St. Louis U. 1982; Ph.D. St. Louis U. 1987; A.D. in agriculture. Organic farmer. Former dairy farmer, university professor, health care manager.
Member: Wis. Farmers Union; Wis. Farm Bureau Federation (fmr. bd. mbr., Buffalo Co.); Alma Chamber of Commerce; Democratic Party of Buffalo Co. (fmr. chp.); Andrew Blackfoot American Legion Auxiliary Post 129. Former member: Buffalo Co. Agricultural Fair Assn. (bd. mbr.); American Federation of Teachers (treas., Local 4100). Recipient: Wis. Farmers Union Friend of Farmers Union Award 2013; Wis. Congress of Parents and Teachers Joan Dykstra Friends of Children Award 2012; Wis. Aquaculture Assn. Friend of Wisconsin Aquaculture 2011; La Crosse Area Development Council Triangle of Achievement; AFSCME Council 40 Protector of Quality Services Award 2010; School Administrators Alliance Legislator of the Year 2010; Wis. Academy of Family Physicians Friend of Family Medicine; Wis. Grocers Assn. Friend of Grocers 2010; Wis. Crop Production Assn. Outstanding Service to Agriculture Award; Wis. Assn. of County Homes 2010 Outstanding Legislative Service Award; Wis. Troopers Assn. Legislator of the Year 2010; Wis. League of Conservation Voters Conservation Champion 2008; Wis. Assn. of PEG Channels Friend of Access 2008; Wis. Assn. of FFA Honorary State FFA Degree 2008; Pharmacy Soc. of Wis. Legislator of the Year 2008; Wis. Federation of Cooperatives Friend of Cooperatives 2008. Mississippi River Regional Planning Commission 2004-present.
Elected to Senate 2006; reelected 2010. Minority Caucus Vice Chairperson 2013, 2011; Majority Caucus Vice Chairperson 2009. Biennial committee assignments: 2013 — Agriculture, Small Business and Tourism; Education (also 2011); Jt. Com. on Information Policy and Technology; Jt. Com. for Review of Admin. Rules; Jt. Legislative Audit Com. (co.-chp., 2011 eff. 7/24/12, 2009); Mississippi River Parkway Comn. (also 2011). 2011 — Agriculture, Forestry, and Higher Education; Financial Institutions and Rural Issues. 2009 — Agriculture and Higher Education (chp., also 2007); Children, Families and Workforce Development; Economic Development; Public Health, Senior Issues, Long-Term Care, and Job Creation. 2007 — Health and Human Services (vice chp.); Economic Development, Job Creation, Family Prosperity and Housing; Judiciary and Corrections.
Content referencing Kathleen Vinehout - Page 2
Marquette Law School Poll shows Walker in tight race with Burke for Wisconsin governor in 2014
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Oct 29th, 2013 by Press ReleaseThe New Right-Wing Media
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Sep 10th, 2013 by Bruce MurphyMental Health Care in Shambles at County Jails
Jails are overloaded with people with mental illness. A key Republican lawmaker wants to examine issue.
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