Content referencing Heather Hough

Judge Fines City For Failing To Comply With MPD in Schools Requirement

Judge Fines City For Failing To Comply With MPD in Schools Requirement

Judge Borowski gives city $1,000 per day fine until 25 police officers placed in schools.

City Hall: Police Department Closing Unlicensed Driver Loophole
City Hall

Police Department Closing Unlicensed Driver Loophole

Repeat offenders without a license were being issued less severe municipal ticket.

Committee Marks Up Milwaukee Budget With Amendments, Footnotes

Committee Marks Up Milwaukee Budget With Amendments, Footnotes

Council raids personnel accounts to pay for services it says constituents demand.

Officers From 103 Outside Police Departments Will Guard RNC

Officers From 103 Outside Police Departments Will Guard RNC

And that's before counting federal agencies and private security guards.

City Hall: Milwaukee Seeks RNC Police HQ, Mobile Command Post
City Hall

Milwaukee Seeks RNC Police HQ, Mobile Command Post

Thousands of officers will guard convention, with additional hub needed to deploy them.

City Hall: Police Pledge Transparency Now That They Have Policymaking Power
City Hall

Police Pledge Transparency Now That They Have Policymaking Power

Deal that gave Milwaukee a 2% sales tax also stripped Fire & Police Commission of much of its authority.

City Hall: Milwaukee Hiring New Police Officers
City Hall

Milwaukee Hiring New Police Officers

Milwaukee planning for three recruiting classes in 2024, starting pay is $64,000.

City Hall: MPD Can Tow New Group of Repeat Reckless Drivers
City Hall

MPD Can Tow New Group of Repeat Reckless Drivers

City enacting its part of state law change. But how big of a loophole does the policy have?

City Hall: MPD Needs To Add 11 Officers Says Staffing Study
City Hall

MPD Needs To Add 11 Officers Says Staffing Study

But police department also needs to create 116 new civilian positions, reallocate officers.

City Hall: Nick DeSiato Is New Chief of Staff For Mayor Johnson
City Hall

Nick DeSiato Is New Chief of Staff For Mayor Johnson

Jim Bohl will lead city's lobbying team, Kimberly Montgomery is retiring.

City Hall: City Attorney Halts Plan To Sue Reckless Drivers
City Hall

City Attorney Halts Plan To Sue Reckless Drivers

Spencer submits last minute opinion saying the proposal is too broad.

City Hall: MPD Moving To Seize Vehicles Via Court System
City Hall

MPD Moving To Seize Vehicles Via Court System

Policy would apply to repeat offenders that don't change their driving behavior.

City Hall: More Turnover In City Attorney’s Office
City Hall

More Turnover In City Attorney’s Office

6 attorneys recently resigned or were fired; 24 have left in less than two years. Non-attorneys also quitting.

LISC Milwaukee and Safe & Sound to Host the 71st Crime Prevention Awards on February 5, 2020
City of Milwaukee Drughouse Lawsuit Update
City, police and community work together to combat neighborhood problem
Press Release

City, police and community work together to combat neighborhood problem

Statement of Alderman Russell W. Stamper, II October 31, 2019

City of Milwaukee Drughouse Lawsuit
Press Release

City of Milwaukee Drughouse Lawsuit

The subject property of this lawsuit is located at 1513 N. 37th Street.

City Hall: City Will Shame Prostitutes’ Customers
City Hall

City Will Shame Prostitutes’ Customers

Get caught paying for sex? That'll cost you $2,500 and maybe exposure on TV.

Bawdy House Begone! Aldermen Declare

Bawdy House Begone! Aldermen Declare

Donovan, Perez announce effort to target prostitution, landlords on South Side.