Content referencing Greg Abbott

New Marquette Law School national survey finds a very close race for president in 2024; Trump and DeSantis top GOP primary field; Biden job approval rating declines to 39%
New Marquette Law School Poll national survey finds split opinion on whether Republicans in Congress can unite behind new Speaker McCarthy; Trump and DeSantis improving in hypothetical 2024 matchups against Biden; and DeSantis preferred by Republicans as a candidate over Trump
Data Wonk: Biden Vaccine Plan Helps GOP Governors
Data Wonk

Biden Vaccine Plan Helps GOP Governors

States supporting Trump have much greater chance of COVID-19 deaths. Biden’s mandates bail out governors afraid to act.

Ballot Dropboxes A Safe Option for Absentee Voting

Ballot Dropboxes A Safe Option for Absentee Voting

Local clerks around the state have installed ballot dropboxes.