Content referencing Fritz von Grossmann

Friday Photos: Children’s Hospital’s New Southside Clinic
Friday Photos

Children’s Hospital’s New Southside Clinic

Facility replaces former Forest Home Library.

Eyes on Milwaukee: MMSD Deconstructing Former We Energies Building For Flood Abatement Project
Eyes on Milwaukee

MMSD Deconstructing Former We Energies Building For Flood Abatement Project

Jackson Park will also see changes as part of multi-year effort.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Forest Home Library Not Historic, Clinic Approved
Eyes on Milwaukee

Forest Home Library Not Historic, Clinic Approved

Council clears way to demolish old library, build new Children's Hospital southside clinic.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Forest Home Library Not Historic, Alders Vote
Eyes on Milwaukee

Forest Home Library Not Historic, Alders Vote

Committee overturns historic designation for 1960s building, full council vote to come

Eyes on Milwaukee: Historic Commission Protects Forest Home Library
Eyes on Milwaukee

Historic Commission Protects Forest Home Library

Gives it historic designation. But Common Council will have final say.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Forest Home Library Is Historic. For Now
Eyes on Milwaukee

Forest Home Library Is Historic. For Now

Temporary designation stops development for 28 days. Hearing on permanent designation on November 30th.