Content referencing David Gilbert

Herzfeld Foundation gives UWM $1.5 million for innovation, research
Press Release

Herzfeld Foundation gives UWM $1.5 million for innovation, research

The Herzfeld Foundation awards grants in the areas of arts and culture, education, arts education, and civic improvements.

Walker Budget Targets Downer Woods

Walker Budget Targets Downer Woods

Provisions buried in budget bill eliminate protected status of conserved forest, the sole natural area on UWM campus.

Committee Approves UWM Dorm Plan

Committee Approves UWM Dorm Plan

Two significant East Side projects, New Land Enterprises' Kenilworth apartment building and Mandel Group's dormitory proposal, were on the agenda for this committee meeting.

UWM Faces Slight Opposition

UWM Faces Slight Opposition

This meeting was appropriately held at the Urban Ecology Center. It was appropriate because one of the key opposition concerns around the Hometown site was its location along the Milwaukee River. Although the location was different many of the same citizens were attendance.

Hot Meeting About Potential UWM Dorm Site

Hot Meeting About Potential UWM Dorm Site

The Maryland Avenue School played host to a tension-filled meeting to discuss one of three proposals for the location of the new UWM dorm. The proposal on the table was the nearby Prospect Mall parking lot location proposed by Boulder Ventures.