Content referencing Ben Brancel

Data Wonk: How Walker, Trump Hurt Dairy Industry
Data Wonk

How Walker, Trump Hurt Dairy Industry

Their policies helped fuel a dairy crisis.

Why Farms Need Undocumented Workers

Why Farms Need Undocumented Workers

Immigrant labor produces 79 percent of nation’s milk. Can they be replaced?

Governor Walker Appoints Jeff Lyon to Lead DATCP as Interim Secretary
Press Release

Governor Walker Appoints Jeff Lyon to Lead DATCP as Interim Secretary

Effective Monday, August 14, 2017.

Governor Walker, State Leaders Celebrate Success of Wisconsin Cheese Industry
Press Release

Governor Walker, State Leaders Celebrate Success of Wisconsin Cheese Industry

DATCP Secretary Brancel, WEDC Secretary Hogan join Governor Walker in visiting cheese companies statewide as part of "Wisconsin Cheese Day" tour

Governor Walker Announces Changes to Guarantee Loan Program for Wisconsin Dairy Farmers and Milk Processors
Press Release

Governor Walker Announces Changes to Guarantee Loan Program for Wisconsin Dairy Farmers and Milk Processors

The loan guarantees reduce financial risk and exposure to lenders while ensuring that farmers and businesses have access to low-cost capital.

Fitzgerald Responds to Dairy Crisis
Press Release

Fitzgerald Responds to Dairy Crisis

"I was shocked to hear that dozens of Wisconsin’s hard working dairy farmers could be forced out of business because of a trade dispute taking place outside our state."