Content referencing Adam Freihoefer

City Of Waukesha To Begin Diverting And Returning Lake Michigan Water Under DNR Diversion Approval
DNR Releases Statewide Drought Resource Webpage
Regulators Halt Suburban Water Diversion Project

Regulators Halt Suburban Water Diversion Project

A project in Kenosha County would divert 1.2 million gallons a day from Lake Michigan.

High Capacity Wells Draining State Lakes

High Capacity Wells Draining State Lakes

Study finds wells reduced lake levels by up to 3 feet on three lakes in Central Sands region.

DNR Recommends Regional Strategy For Central Sands High-Capacity Well Withdrawals, Seeks Public Comment
More Requests for Lake Michigan Water Coming?

More Requests for Lake Michigan Water Coming?

Village of Somers’ diversion request may be followed by others from area, expert says.

DNR approves straddling community diversion application from city of Racine
Press Release

DNR approves straddling community diversion application from city of Racine

Straddling community diversion applications are regulated under the Great Lakes Compact.

Legality of Foxconn’s Water Use At Issue

Legality of Foxconn’s Water Use At Issue

New York and Michigan officials question whether Lake Michigan water diversion only for residential users.

Where The Great Lakes Compact Ends and Wisconsin Law Begins

Where The Great Lakes Compact Ends and Wisconsin Law Begins

Why the Waukesha and Foxconn water diversions involve different rules.