PCT Home > Period: 2018 - Pre-Primary > Report: Eva Roberson

Political Contributions Tracker

Eva Roberson. Photo from Roberson for 4th District Alderwoman Facebook page.

Eva Roberson

Period: 2018 - Pre-Primary

Amount Raised: $3,179

Total Contributions: 28

Average Contribution: $114

Median Contribution: $50

View Report Submitted to Election Commmission

Date Name Amount Lifetime All Candidates Personnel File
Jul 5, 2018Nacrci Feaster$50$50
Jul 11, 2018Dr. Michael Rosen$200$200
Jul 13, 2018Gwendolyn Gregory$100$100
Jul 15, 2018Joe B and Shirley Smith, Sr$100$100
Jul 18, 2018Ray and Mary Collie$250$250
Jul 19, 2018Alonzo and Dawn Chapman$100$100
Jul 19, 2018Roderick Roberson, Sr$250$250
Jul 21, 2018Stanthia Grier$25$25
Jul 21, 2018Vanessa Ann Brown$100$100
Jul 21, 2018Bobby McGlaston$10$10
Jul 24, 2018Mary Ann Toles$125$125
Jul 24, 2018Barbara Toles$100$100
Jul 24, 2018Frank Jaber$300$300
Jul 24, 2018Ethel Evans$50$50
Jul 24, 2018Kalan Haywood$100$100
Jul 24, 2018Lamont and Felicia Roberson$20$20
Jul 24, 2018Anthony and Kym Quinn$50$50
Jul 24, 2018Gloria Diggs$25$25
Jul 24, 2018Christopher Levy$25$25
Jul 24, 2018Michelle Pitts$150$450
Jul 24, 2018Ruth Ingram-Calvin$25$25
Jul 24, 2018Sharyn Warren-Hearn$50$50
Jul 24, 2018Douglas Kelley$50$50
Jul 24, 2018Darrll Fortune$10$10
Jul 25, 2018Joanne Shansky$35$35
Jul 27, 2018Kenneth O'Reilly$50$50
Jul 27, 2018Lauren Baker$50$50
Aug 1, 2018Rodney Wesley$779$779

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NOTE: Currently missing in this beta release are expenses, loans, in-kind contributions and account balances. We are working to add that information as soon as possible.

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