PCT Home > Period: 2020 - January Continuing

Political Contributions Tracker

2020 - January Continuing

Showing all reports on file from the 2020 - January Continuing reporting period

Politician Amount Contributions Average
Grant Langley $2,500 3 $833
Paul Rasky $0 0 $0
Vincent Bobot $56,114 255 $220
Tony Zielinski $30,341 93 $326
Marina Dimitrijevic $13,980 140 $100
Scott Spiker $5,444 24 $227
Nik Kovac $7,670 50 $153
Cavalier Johnson $17,487 87 $201
Vincent Toney $3,854 34 $113
Jacob Marek $100 1 $100
Robert Bauman $13,954 85 $164
Nikiya Dodd $9,278 59 $157
Nicholas McVey $135 2 $68
Tearman Spencer $8,677 38 $228
Elizabeth Brown $0 0 $0
Angel C. Sanchez $0 0 $0
Tony Baez $0 0 $0
Tory Lowe $0 0 $0
Valarie Hill $0 0 $0
Jason Auerbach $41,396 39 $1
Alex Brower $19,977 258 $77
Bob Donovan $700 2 $350
Chantia Lewis $770 14 $55
Derek Mosley $0 0 $0
Fred Royal $4,900 45 $109
Justin Bielinski $2,542 42 $61
Kenneth Hughes $795 2 $398
Khalif Rainey $0 0 $0
Martin Matson $0 0 $0
Michael Murphy $300 1 $300
Patty Doherty $1,517 2 $758
Spencer Coggs $12,000 2 $6
Jason Fields $23,315 82 $284
Aycha Sawa $31,974 98 $326
Mark Borkowski $1,680 6 $280
Milele A. Coggs $8,485 56 $152
José G. Pérez $32,995 143 $231
JoCasta Zamarripa $16,707 162 $103
Peter Burgelis $6,225 84 $74

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NOTE: Currently missing in this beta release are expenses, loans, in-kind contributions and account balances. We are working to add that information as soon as possible.

Interested in helping digitize old reports? Email us at info@UrbanMilwaukee.com