Wisconsin Public Radio

Democrats Refile Redistricting Suit

Democrats Refile Redistricting Suit

Federal suit against state’s gerrymandering rewritten to meet U.S. Supreme Court concerns.

Should More Criminal Records Be Expunged?

Should More Criminal Records Be Expunged?

State behind others in giving ex-offenders a second chance, argues Clean Slate Wisconsin.

Election Experts Call For Paper Ballots

Election Experts Call For Paper Ballots

New report cites security problem, notes paper ballots can’t be tampered with online.

Schimel Say Rape Kit Backlog Ended

Schimel Say Rape Kit Backlog Ended

Critics charge attorney general shouldn’t have taken four years to fix the problem.

Runoff At Foxconn Site Raises Concerns

Runoff At Foxconn Site Raises Concerns

Project director says rain event was unusual and problem was addressed the same day.

Health Coverage Steady After Decline

Health Coverage Steady After Decline

State enrollment in Affordable Care Act steady this year after 13% drop in last year.

ACLU Targets Anti-Panhandling Laws

ACLU Targets Anti-Panhandling Laws

Citing Supreme Court case, calls on five suburbs to repeal ordinances against panhandling.

Trump Tariffs Hurt Milwaukee Port

Trump Tariffs Hurt Milwaukee Port

Corn exports decimated, steel imports a concern.

Harley Riders Oppose Boycott of Company

Harley Riders Oppose Boycott of Company

But they do tend to support Trump’s tariffs, interviews at Harley's celebration suggest.

Cruise Ships Will Tour the Great Lakes

Cruise Ships Will Tour the Great Lakes

Including a stop in Milwaukee. Tourism agencies pushing for more cruise lines to consider tours.

Evers Wants to Replace State Jobs Agency

Evers Wants to Replace State Jobs Agency

Head of agency and Walker campaign criticize Democrat’s plan.

Close Dark Store Loophole, Campaign Urges

Close Dark Store Loophole, Campaign Urges

County, municipal representatives say loophole shifts property taxes from big box stores to homeowners.