Wisconsin Public Radio

Milwaukee County Poverty Persists

Milwaukee County Poverty Persists

New study shows Milwaukee is now state’s only county worse than national average in poverty.

State Politicians Split on Kavanaugh

State Politicians Split on Kavanaugh

Vukmir disagrees with Baldwin, Evers; Walker equivocates on Supreme Court nominee.

Election Asks Voters About Legal Pot

Election Asks Voters About Legal Pot

16 counties and 2 cities have referendums. Some 50 legislative candidates support change.

Race for Governor: Evers Wants Tax Cut for Needy Families
Race for Governor

Evers Wants Tax Cut for Needy Families

Cites data showing 40% of state’s families struggle to pay for basic needs.

Federal Agents Arrest 30 State Immigrants

Federal Agents Arrest 30 State Immigrants

Crackdown by ICE agents arrests two in Milwaukee, 11 in Madison.

State’s Child Care Programs Have Improved

State’s Child Care Programs Have Improved

Study of care for low-income families finds great improvement, though Milwaukee’s programs lagging.

State Quietly Hiked Water Diversion in 2010

State Quietly Hiked Water Diversion in 2010

Tripled Pleasant Prairie’s allowable diversion of Lake Michigan water, greater than planned Foxconn diversion.

Big Federal Cuts for State’s Health Care

Big Federal Cuts for State’s Health Care

Second straight year of cuts in Affordable Care Act for Wisconsin, other states.

Democrats Refile Redistricting Suit

Democrats Refile Redistricting Suit

Federal suit against state’s gerrymandering rewritten to meet U.S. Supreme Court concerns.

Should More Criminal Records Be Expunged?

Should More Criminal Records Be Expunged?

State behind others in giving ex-offenders a second chance, argues Clean Slate Wisconsin.

Election Experts Call For Paper Ballots

Election Experts Call For Paper Ballots

New report cites security problem, notes paper ballots can’t be tampered with online.

Schimel Say Rape Kit Backlog Ended

Schimel Say Rape Kit Backlog Ended

Critics charge attorney general shouldn’t have taken four years to fix the problem.