Wisconsin Public Radio

Startup Scene Growing One App at a Time

Startup Scene Growing One App at a Time

Former UWM student creates music industry social networking app.

State Leaders Divided Over Gun Laws

State Leaders Divided Over Gun Laws

In the aftermath of mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, Democrats push for "red flag" laws, Republicans balk.

Hands-Free Phone Law Being Pushed in Wisconsin

Hands-Free Phone Law Being Pushed in Wisconsin

An activist from Minnesota that lost his daughter to distracted driving is behind the push.

We Energies, MGE Investing $195 Million In Solar

We Energies, MGE Investing $195 Million In Solar

Utilities filed joint application to own remaining power in Badger Hollow Solar Farm near Dodgeville.

Traffic Deaths at a Five Year Low

Traffic Deaths at a Five Year Low

Deaths down 17 percent compared to 2018.

Big Economic Impact From DNC Expected

Big Economic Impact From DNC Expected

Officials preparing for most diverse convention ever with 50,000 people, $200 million economic impact.

Can State Reduce Long Lines at DMV?

Can State Reduce Long Lines at DMV?

Agency has made efforts and some progress, but Evers wants faster service.

Baldwin Bill Hikes Great Lakes Funding

Baldwin Bill Hikes Great Lakes Funding

Bipartisan bill boosts allocation for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.

Carson Unveils New Program in Milwaukee

Carson Unveils New Program in Milwaukee

HUD Secretary touts housing assistance for young Americans aging out of the foster care.

Task Force Wants Local Green New Deal

Task Force Wants Local Green New Deal

A joint City-County task force will tackle climate change and economic inequality.

City May Sue Opioid Manufacturers

City May Sue Opioid Manufacturers

Murphy wants city attorney to consider suit for damages from opioid epidemic.

25,000 Could Lose Food Share Benefits

25,000 Could Lose Food Share Benefits

Proposed change in federal SNAP program would cut off 25,000 state recipients.