Wisconsin Public Radio

Unemployment Protest Outside Sen. Ron Johnson’s Office

Unemployment Protest Outside Sen. Ron Johnson’s Office

Unemployed workers demand congress reinstate $600 weekly assistance.

UW-Madison Moves Classes Online After COVID-19 Spike

UW-Madison Moves Classes Online After COVID-19 Spike

After one week of classes. And two residence halls are currently quarantined.

Evers Might Extend Mask Order

Evers Might Extend Mask Order

Governor discussed masking order and Kenosha shootings Wednesday.

Officer Accused Of Reckless Homicide Resigns

Officer Accused Of Reckless Homicide Resigns

Michael Mattioli pleaded not guilty yesterday in death of Joel Acevedo and has resigned from police department.

Jill Biden Hears From Moms in Green Bay

Jill Biden Hears From Moms in Green Bay

Virtual event focuses on challenges of virtual schooling.

Evers Asks FEMA To Rescind PPE Rules

Evers Asks FEMA To Rescind PPE Rules

New federal rules won't cover costs of cleaning personal protection equipment.

Task Force Seeks Bipartisan Policing Reform

Task Force Seeks Bipartisan Policing Reform

And racial equity reforms. Will begin meeting in fall, propose legislative bills by next year.

State Economy Hurt by Sports Shutdowns

State Economy Hurt by Sports Shutdowns

Cutback of Bucks, Brewers, Packers games, cancelled Ryder Cup adds up to huge loss.

Pence, Harris Campaign in Wisconsin

Pence, Harris Campaign in Wisconsin

Republican Vice President, Democratic VP hopeful talk jobs, economy on Labor Day.

Jacob Blake Speaks from Hospital Bed

Jacob Blake Speaks from Hospital Bed

“Nothing but pain,” but “stick together… Change your lives out there."

COVID Cases Rising at State’s Universities

COVID Cases Rising at State’s Universities

Up 6.1% at UW-Madison, up 6% at UW-Milwaukee.

Absentee Ballot Applications Causing Confusion

Absentee Ballot Applications Causing Confusion

Check the Wisconsin election website to see if you've already requested a ballot.