Wisconsin Public Radio

GOP Bills Would Ban Critical Race Theory in Wisconsin Schools

GOP Bills Would Ban Critical Race Theory in Wisconsin Schools

Legislation is similar to other Republican bills being pushed around the country.

Milwaukee Archdiocese Not Cooperating with State Investigation

Milwaukee Archdiocese Not Cooperating with State Investigation

Archdiocese questions attorney general's authority for statewide investigation into clergy abuse.

Ron Johnson Undecided if He’ll Run in 2022

Ron Johnson Undecided if He’ll Run in 2022

The senator also said "legitimate concerns" of election fraud in 2020 shouldn't be dismissed.

EPA Expands Smog Regulations

EPA Expands Smog Regulations

Environmental advocates, business lobby at odds over new rules.

GOP Bills Ban Vaccine Passports, Work Requirement

GOP Bills Ban Vaccine Passports, Work Requirement

Lawmakers also propose ending mandatory COVID-19 vaccines, testing for UW-System.

GOP Lawmakers Reject Unemployment System Improvements

GOP Lawmakers Reject Unemployment System Improvements

Republicans in State Legislature vote down $15 million to fix unemployment system.

Evers Says Full Budget Veto Possible

Evers Says Full Budget Veto Possible

Calls Republican school spending plan an “insult to kids.”

State May Purge Some From Voting List

State May Purge Some From Voting List

Elections Commission will send postcards to 187,000 people who haven't voted in 5 years.

Northwoods Tourism Spots Expect Busy Summer

Northwoods Tourism Spots Expect Busy Summer

Reservations up, the phones are “constantly ringing."

No Pandemic Funds Left for Restaurants

No Pandemic Funds Left for Restaurants

Entire $28.6 billion fund allocated. A lifeline for Packing House, other area restaurants.

Village Paid Foxconn Project Manager Nearly $1 Million

Village Paid Foxconn Project Manager Nearly $1 Million

Private contractor billed Mount Pleasant for $973,750 and has just gotten a raise.

People’s Revolution Marks One Year of Marches

People’s Revolution Marks One Year of Marches

Group’s members vow to continue pushing for change.