Wisconsin Examiner

Evers, Kaul File Redistricting Lawsuit

Evers, Kaul File Redistricting Lawsuit

Asks federal court to declare current state maps unconstitutional.

Schools Without Masks Could Face Lawsuits, Lose Insurance

Schools Without Masks Could Face Lawsuits, Lose Insurance

Insurers threatening to drop districts that fail to follow public-health mandates.

Republican Schools Colleagues on Election Lies

Republican Schools Colleagues on Election Lies

Elections chair Sen. Kathy Bernier runs 2.5 hour meeting with experts and verifiable facts.

State’s Alcohol Sales Jumped During Pandemic

State’s Alcohol Sales Jumped During Pandemic

17% increase in sales tax revenues on beer, wine, cider and liquor.

Emails Show Local Law Enforcement Coordinating Protest Response

Emails Show Local Law Enforcement Coordinating Protest Response

Email group also shared intelligence among local police departments and with FBI.

State Legislation Classifies Rideshare, Delivery Drivers as Independent Contractors

State Legislation Classifies Rideshare, Delivery Drivers as Independent Contractors

Bills could also prevent drivers from accessing unemployment or workers compensation.

Suit Seeks To End Ban on Jobless Pay for Disabled

Suit Seeks To End Ban on Jobless Pay for Disabled

Class-action claim charges 2013 state law violates U.S. Constitution.

Lawsuits Fight Over State Redistricting

Lawsuits Fight Over State Redistricting

State and federal court cases involve WILL, Law Forward, state elections commission.

Evers On Pace for Record Pardons

Evers On Pace for Record Pardons

Has given 263 so far. Activists push for more.

Kleefisch Borrows “Tampon Tax” Idea From Democrat

Kleefisch Borrows “Tampon Tax” Idea From Democrat

Ending "pink tax" on feminine products was opposed by Walker-Kleefisch administration.

Op Ed: State High Court Wary of Doing Redistricting
Op Ed

State High Court Wary of Doing Redistricting

Conservative judges have made best arguments against acceding to Republicans’ wishes.

Taxpayers Funding Gableman’s Travel

Taxpayers Funding Gableman’s Travel

Trips by election probe leader to MyPillow conspiracy event and discredited Arizona audit.