
Op-Ed: Ron Johnson and State’s Infrastructure Decline

Ron Johnson and State’s Infrastructure Decline

He’s regularly voted against federal funding for roads, bridges, railways, airports

Op-Ed: A Conservative Take on State Transportation

A Conservative Take on State Transportation

Republicans say they need more money for roads, but the real problem is too much spending.

Eyes on Milwaukee: How to Bike from Milwaukee to Waukesha
Eyes on Milwaukee

How to Bike from Milwaukee to Waukesha

A downtown-to-downtown trek is an easy ride, a lot of fun and surprisingly interesting.

Op-Ed: Towards a Greater Bay View

Towards a Greater Bay View

Neighborhoods west of I-94 need better connections to Bay View, which would improve entire area.

Murphy’s Law: Does Anyone Oppose Bus Rapid Transit?
Murphy’s Law

Does Anyone Oppose Bus Rapid Transit?

The idea is very unsexy, yet has gained amazingly wide support.

Bike Czar: Train, Train, Train, Train
Bike Czar

Train, Train, Train, Train

Photos, story of fourth annual ride to St. Paul by train and three-day bike ride back.

Op-Ed: Walker’s High Speed Folly

Walker’s High Speed Folly

Was governor’s biggest mistake turning down federal money for high speed rail?

Murphy’s Law: How to Destroy a Transit System
Murphy’s Law

How to Destroy a Transit System

County board's free bus ride program triggers huge deficits that could overwhelm system.

Bike Czar: The Ride to Door County
Bike Czar

The Ride to Door County

Riders from across the state cycled 70 miles (or less) in final Spring Classic.

Bublr of the Month: Megan Gaus of VISIT Milwaukee
Bublr of the Month

Megan Gaus of VISIT Milwaukee

She uses Bublr Bikes to get to meetings and just for strolling around town like a tourist.

Bike Czar: Amtrak Now Allows Bikes For $5
Bike Czar

Amtrak Now Allows Bikes For $5

No more boxing and folding bikes. Hiawatha line to Chicago now has 15 bike racks.

Bike Czar: A Rough Ride to Denmark
Bike Czar

A Rough Ride to Denmark

The wind was blowing half a pelican for our ride from Green Bay to Denmark, WI.