The State of Politics

The State of Politics: Hagedorn Also Running Against Abrahamson
The State of Politics

Hagedorn Also Running Against Abrahamson

Conservative Supreme Court candidate keeps bashing the liberal justice, who has cancer and is retiring.

The State of Politics: How Evers Would End Gerrymandering
The State of Politics

How Evers Would End Gerrymandering

He proposes non-partisan redistricting plan similar to Iowa’s.

The State of Politics: Evers Budget Targets Rich Taxpayers
The State of Politics

Evers Budget Targets Rich Taxpayers

And helps middle class. But Republicans oppose plan.

The State of Politics: Governor’s Veto Power Looms Large
The State of Politics

Governor’s Veto Power Looms Large

What Legislature gives, veto can take away. The battle has begun.

The State of Politics: 10 Issues to Watch in Evers Budget
The State of Politics

10 Issues to Watch in Evers Budget

Yes, it will be different than a Walker budget. But precisely how?

The State of Politics: Evers Gives 45% of Taxes To K-12 schools
The State of Politics

Evers Gives 45% of Taxes To K-12 schools

Plus his budget doubles special education funding. Expect a battle with GOP legislators.

The State of Politics: 8 Ways to Increase Highway Funding
The State of Politics

8 Ways to Increase Highway Funding

Lots of possible taxes and fees, but can legislators agree on any?

The State of Politics: Evers Appoints Record Number of Women
The State of Politics

Evers Appoints Record Number of Women

For first time in history, majority of governor’s advisors are women.

The State of Politics: Republicans May Oppose Medical Marijuana
The State of Politics

Republicans May Oppose Medical Marijuana

Vos, Steineke say Evers’ support for full legalization has poisoned the discussion.

The State of Politics: Drug Epidemic Drains County Budgets
The State of Politics

Drug Epidemic Drains County Budgets

Case worker loads soar, state funding inadequate, counties making up for shortfall.

The State of Politics: State Loses Political Power in Washington
The State of Politics

State Loses Political Power in Washington

Of all states, Wisconsin and Michigan have lost the most clout in D.C., experts say.

The State of Politics: Evers Calls for Bipartisan Solutions
The State of Politics

Evers Calls for Bipartisan Solutions

Inaugural speech declares state “paralyzed by polarity” and leaders must put “people first.”