Plenty of Horne

Plenty of Horne: Pabst Leader’s Salary Far Below Smiley’s
Plenty of Horne

Pabst Leader’s Salary Far Below Smiley’s

Pabst boss Gary Witt makes less than a third of what Smiley makes. Ald. Bauman questions this.

Plenty of Horne: Tammy Baldwin Comes to Town
Plenty of Horne

Tammy Baldwin Comes to Town

Baldwin offers an insider's look at the U.S.Senate. And Milwaukee Buck Samuel Dalembert buys a LOT of wine.

Plenty of Horne: Abele and Other Pols Push Gay Rights
Plenty of Horne

Abele and Other Pols Push Gay Rights

Gay activist Daniel Choi comes to Milwaukee three days before his trial for protesting "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

Plenty of Horne: Mystery Behind the MU Law School Poll
Plenty of Horne

Mystery Behind the MU Law School Poll

MU's pollster calls Ald. Kovac's radio show. Is she from the "East Coast," as MU says, or India?

Plenty of Horne: Local Artist’s Gift to Obama Gets Complicated
Plenty of Horne

Local Artist’s Gift to Obama Gets Complicated

Tim Meyerring's present to the president gets caught up in the law on gifts and consultations with the White House assessor.

Plenty of Horne: Brady Street BID Expands Boundaries?
Plenty of Horne

Brady Street BID Expands Boundaries?

And Milwaukee's corporations asleep on gay marriage issue?

Plenty of Horne: Name MPS School After Anti-Nazi Hero?
Plenty of Horne

Name MPS School After Anti-Nazi Hero?

A push to honor Milwaukeean Mildred Fish Harnack, the only American women resistance member executed by Hitler.

Plenty of Horne: School Switcheroo?
Plenty of Horne

School Switcheroo?

Maryland Avenue Montessori might swap buildings with Cass Street School. And poor Sweet Water's building is available for lease.

Plenty of Horne: Pridemore Thrown Out of School
Plenty of Horne

Pridemore Thrown Out of School

State Superintendent candidate ejected for interfering with vote at Washington H. S. polling place.

Plenty of Horne: Every Politician in Town
Plenty of Horne

Every Politician in Town

Well, not quite, but the City's Birthday Party had a big turnout of politicians and insiders.

Plenty of Horne: Evers Vs. Pridemore
Plenty of Horne

Evers Vs. Pridemore

The battle between State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Evers and challenger Don Pridemore.

Plenty of Horne: Neighbors Boiling Over Boylston Plan
Plenty of Horne

Neighbors Boiling Over Boylston Plan

Too much congestion, they complain. Ald. Kovac is feeling the heat.