
Op Ed: State Ranks 41st in Internet Speed
Op Ed

State Ranks 41st in Internet Speed

Broadband expansion is badly needed in Wisconsin.

Op Ed: ‘Shhh! It’s a Secret…’
Op Ed

‘Shhh! It’s a Secret…’

Legislators’ refusal to release records violates law, requires legal challenges.

Op Ed: Policy Failed on School Guard Using N-Word
Op Ed

Policy Failed on School Guard Using N-Word

Madison school’s handling of black security guard shows absurdity of zero-tolerance policies.

Op Ed: Who’s Afraid of Occupational Licensing?
Op Ed

Who’s Afraid of Occupational Licensing?

Actually state licensing gets overwhelming support. Except from right-wing activists.

Op Ed: Donald Trump’s Man in Ukraine
Op Ed

Donald Trump’s Man in Ukraine

Sen. Ron Johnson has bumbled his way into center of impeachment investigation.

Op Ed: Fire & Police Commission Too Passive
Op Ed

Fire & Police Commission Too Passive

Needs to review Milwaukee Police use of informants, coerced confessions, no-knock searches.

Op Ed: Vos, Fitzgerald Scared of Gun Reforms
Op Ed

Vos, Fitzgerald Scared of Gun Reforms

Scared bill could threaten reelection of some GOP legislators — and give Evers a win.

Op Ed: Wisconsin Needs Gun Storage Laws
Op Ed

Wisconsin Needs Gun Storage Laws

Nationally, children who get access to unsecured guns are killed more than once a week.

Op Ed: Let’s End the “Tampon Tax”
Op Ed

Let’s End the “Tampon Tax”

Bill targets inaccessibility of essential menstrual hygiene products in public restrooms.

Op Ed: Let’s Talk Honestly About Suicide
Op Ed

Let’s Talk Honestly About Suicide

More than 50% are committed with guns. As a teen I could have been one of those statistics.

Op Ed: State High Court Strips Lower Courts’ Power
Op Ed

State High Court Strips Lower Courts’ Power

Supreme Court ruling quietly constrains circuit courts' power to stop the enforcement of unconstitutional laws.

Op Ed: Milwaukee County Needs a Bold Vision
Op Ed

Milwaukee County Needs a Bold Vision

Creative leadership could save money, pay for more services.