The Real Scoop on the Skills Shortage
Hard technical skills aren’t lacking but soft skills are. And the focus should be on small businesses.
Jun 4th, 2014 by Fred SchnookWhy Thornton Is Leaving MPS
It's all about moving back home, not about frustration with Milwaukee.
Apr 25th, 2014 by Terry FalkConservatives Support Hike in Minimum Wage
Nationally, many conservatives embrace it as a way to reduce government dependence. But Wisconsin continues to resist.
Mar 5th, 2014 by Ron UnzHow to Improve Inner City Housing
A state legislator suggests city/state cooperation could address the problem of foreclosed homes.
Dec 20th, 2013 by Evan GoykeShopping Centers Make Access Difficult for Disabled
Area malls are moving bus stops out of malls and making access for bus passengers more difficult.
Oct 23rd, 2013 by Bill SellHow to Meet Waukesha’s Water Needs
A solution based on true market prices is the best way to go.
Oct 15th, 2013 by William L. Holahan and Charles O. KronckeDon’t Take Away Our School Buildings
Republican bill would force MPS to sell buildings used to expand successful schools like Golda Meir.
Oct 14th, 2013 by Angela McManamanIn Defense of County Bus System
MTS has done a great job of running county transit and shouldn’t be replaced.
Sep 24th, 2013 by Bill SellSend in the Cops?
Ald. Donovan wants more cops in MPS, Chief Flynn wants a different approach. Who’s right?
Sep 5th, 2013 by Terry FalkWhy Kimberly Walker Was Fired
The county board had ample grounds for dismissing the Corporation Counsel.
Jun 28th, 2013 by Dominique Paul NothHow to Save the Milwaukee Bucks
A real estate partnership could build a new arena with a far lower public subsidy and more revenue for the Bucks.
May 30th, 2013 by Mike WestlingWhy Dan Bice Should Resign
The Journal Sentinel columnist’s coverage of John Doe probe is a case study in journalistic malfeasance.
May 23rd, 2013 by George Mitchell