Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law: The Truth About Miller Park
Murphy’s Law

The Truth About Miller Park

Those looking for a frank assessment of Miller Park are unlikely to find it in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, which rarely criticizes anything connected to the home team.

Murphy’s Law: Why Can’t MATC Get A Good President?
Murphy’s Law

Why Can’t MATC Get A Good President?

Is it possible that no one wants to be president of Milwaukee Area Technical College?

Murphy’s Law: Is Mayor Norquist Sleeping on School Choice?
Murphy’s Law

Is Mayor Norquist Sleeping on School Choice?

In the London Times, Mayor John Norquist is prominently quoted in a story on Milwaukee's school choice program.

Murphy’s Law: Can the New State Superintendent Succeed?
Murphy’s Law

Can the New State Superintendent Succeed?

Herbert Grover is not impressed with the credentials of Elizabeth Burmaster, the new State Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Murphy’s Law: The Rise and Fall of Polly Williams
Murphy’s Law

The Rise and Fall of Polly Williams

Time was when Rep. Annette Polly Williams (D-Milwaukee) was the star of the conservative talk circuit.

Murphy’s Law: How Michael Joyce Sold Himself to George W. Bush
Murphy’s Law

How Michael Joyce Sold Himself to George W. Bush

The way Michael Joyce recalls it; he was watching his old friend William Bennett, the former secretary of education, on the Evans and Novak TV show one fine day.

Murphy’s Law: Gary George’s Plot to Kill the Comptroller
Murphy’s Law

Gary George’s Plot to Kill the Comptroller

State budget deliberations are a time for mischief making, and state Sen. Gary George (D-Milwaukee) has always had a reputation for quietly slipping pet proposals into this biennial document.

Murphy’s Law: Is David Skiles Stalling Efforts to Save the Bucks?
Murphy’s Law

Is David Skiles Stalling Efforts to Save the Bucks?

Community leaders seem to agree the Bradley Center and Wisconsin Center should combine forces to save the Milwaukee Bucks.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee Goes Crazy for Research Parks
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee Goes Crazy for Research Parks

Wisconsin is supposed to be suffering from a brain drain, and southeast Wisconsin is said to lack the kind of high technology industries you find in a research park.

Murphy’s Law: The Raging Bull of MATC
Murphy’s Law

The Raging Bull of MATC

For eight years, Milwaukee Area Technical College President John Birkholz has terrorized his staff and even the board members who hired him, while alienating members of the business community.

Murphy’s Law: Personal Foul – Norquist Loses Points With the Business Community
Murphy’s Law

Personal Foul – Norquist Loses Points With the Business Community

The Greater Milwaukee Committee thinks it's found a way to get more revenue for the Milwaukee Bucks.

Murphy’s Law: State Secrets: What’s In the File on Figueroa and Norquist
Murphy’s Law

State Secrets: What’s In the File on Figueroa and Norquist

There is damaging information about Mayor John Norquist in the state files related to the investigation of Marilyn Figueroa's sexual harassment complaint.