Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law: Another Newspaper Attack on Chief Flynn
Murphy’s Law

Another Newspaper Attack on Chief Flynn

Has the Journal Sentinel renewed its war against the police chief or was its Sunday story simply botched reporting?

Murphy’s Law: The Inevitable Decline of the Journal Sentinel
Murphy’s Law

The Inevitable Decline of the Journal Sentinel

The newspaper has unique strengths, but will that be enough to stop it from going out of print?

Murphy’s Law: Will Joe Davis Run For Mayor?
Murphy’s Law

Will Joe Davis Run For Mayor?

He probably has a better chance of beating Barrett than Bob Donovan. But what exactly does Davis stand for?

Murphy’s Law: The Unbearable Loudness of Harley Hogs
Murphy’s Law

The Unbearable Loudness of Harley Hogs

Why are they allowed to violate noise ordinances? No one seems to know.

Murphy’s Law: Will Republicans Support a Bucks Bailout?
Murphy’s Law

Will Republicans Support a Bucks Bailout?

It can’t get done without GOP legislators, but they have deeply felt reasons for opposing any deal.

Murphy’s Law: Is Walker Guilty — Or the Law Meaningless?
Murphy’s Law

Is Walker Guilty — Or the Law Meaningless?

After the latest Doe document dump, no other conclusion is possible.

Murphy’s Law: Why Bob Donovan Can’t Beat Barrett
Murphy’s Law

Why Bob Donovan Can’t Beat Barrett

No alderman will back him. Why he’s so disliked -- and so certain to lose.

Murphy’s Law: The Remarkable Clout of Sheriff Clarke
Murphy’s Law

The Remarkable Clout of Sheriff Clarke

A stunning election increases his power. What does it mean for Milwaukee?

Murphy’s Law: Handicapping the Democratic Race for Attorney General
Murphy’s Law

Handicapping the Democratic Race for Attorney General

Jon Richards is the favorite. But is he the best choice?

Murphy’s Law: Is David Clarke “Sheriff Spends a Lot”?
Murphy’s Law

Is David Clarke “Sheriff Spends a Lot”?

Attack ads blast Clarke. Another targets “dysfunctional” Marina Dimitrijevic. Who’s buying all these nasty ads?

Murphy’s Law: How Buyout Could Hurt the Journal Sentinel
Murphy’s Law

How Buyout Could Hurt the Journal Sentinel

10 ways the deal will impact the newspaper, the media world and this city.

Murphy’s Law: Has School Choice Led to Less Arts Funding?
Murphy’s Law

Has School Choice Led to Less Arts Funding?

Donations to arts groups have plummeted while giving to education has soared. Why?