Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law: How Could Walker Refuse Incredible Deal?
Murphy’s Law

How Could Walker Refuse Incredible Deal?

Kenosha casino would pay entire taxpayer bill for NBA arena and up to $275 million for any (unlikely) litigation costs. And Walker says no?

Murphy’s Law: Why Walker Had to Cut UW Funding
Murphy’s Law

Why Walker Had to Cut UW Funding

His presidential ambitions left him with no other option.

Murphy’s Law: Who is “Lobbying” For the Streetcar?
Murphy’s Law

Who is “Lobbying” For the Streetcar?

Money is being spent and wild rumors are flying. So what’s the truth?

Murphy’s Law: Will County Pass Another Pension Giveaway?
Murphy’s Law

Will County Pass Another Pension Giveaway?

Board members favor a “grandfather clause” protecting retirees with illegal payments that could cost taxpayers $10 million.

Murphy’s Law: Does “Broken Windows” Theory Hurt Milwaukee?
Murphy’s Law

Does “Broken Windows” Theory Hurt Milwaukee?

Police Chief Ed Flynn is one of the foremost practitioners of aggressive policing getting national criticism.

Murphy’s Law: How Walker’s Presidential Bid Hurts Wisconsin
Murphy’s Law

How Walker’s Presidential Bid Hurts Wisconsin

On a wide range of policies, Walker may be serving his career more than his constituents

Murphy’s Law: Koch-Funded Group Backs Anti-Streetcar Drive
Murphy’s Law

Koch-Funded Group Backs Anti-Streetcar Drive

Americans for Prosperity has provided paid staff for petition drive, its state director says.

Murphy’s Law: Who Is Funding the Anti-Streetcar Effort?
Murphy’s Law

Who Is Funding the Anti-Streetcar Effort?

Ald. Bauman and others are certain that dark money is pouring in for this, which streetcar opponents deny.

Murphy’s Law: Does Milwaukee Need an Aerotropolis?
Murphy’s Law

Does Milwaukee Need an Aerotropolis?

Many cities have embraced concept of airport centered growth. Is Milwaukee falling behind?

Murphy’s Law: The Property Tax Scam for Brewers, Bucks
Murphy’s Law

The Property Tax Scam for Brewers, Bucks

Odds are, the Bucks arena will get many secret tax subsidies, as Miller Park does.

Murphy’s Law: Will Anti-Streetcar Referendum Succeed?
Murphy’s Law

Will Anti-Streetcar Referendum Succeed?

The process is far more complicated legally than has been reported. Which will make it harder for opponents.

The Story Behind the Streetcar Referendum

The Story Behind the Streetcar Referendum

Conservatives from outside Milwaukee hope to join forces with black city residents to oppose the streetcar.