Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law: Should City/County Donate More to NBA Arena?
Murphy’s Law

Should City/County Donate More to NBA Arena?

Actually, local taxpayers will be donating $450 million. But the press won’t report the details.

Murphy’s Law: Is Milwaukee Becoming Gentrified?
Murphy’s Law

Is Milwaukee Becoming Gentrified?

Analysis of big cities shows Portland is most gentrified, with cities like Milwaukee also changing, but more slowly.

Murphy’s Law: A Whole New Class of Poor People?
Murphy’s Law

A Whole New Class of Poor People?

Walker plan to quietly slash Food Stamps for 62,000 people will cost state $58 million to lose $92 million in federal funding.

Murphy’s Law: The Quick-Law Governor
Murphy’s Law

The Quick-Law Governor

Countless sweeping changes have been proposed almost overnight, with no study, no rationale and no known author.

Murphy’s Law: Bucks Owners Must Build Without Subsidy
Murphy’s Law

Bucks Owners Must Build Without Subsidy

Unique financial situation of Bucks owners suggests they may have to build a new arena, even with no taxpayer support.

Murphy’s Law: Is Walker Crazy Like a Fox?
Murphy’s Law

Is Walker Crazy Like a Fox?

His campaign for president seems ridiculous. So why is he rising in the polls?

Murphy’s Law: Journal Sentinel Jumps on Sinking Ship
Murphy’s Law

Journal Sentinel Jumps on Sinking Ship

Prospectus shows all 13 newspapers the new Journal company absorbs are losing money.

Murphy’s Law: Hey, Let’s Drug Test Food Stamp Recipients
Murphy’s Law

Hey, Let’s Drug Test Food Stamp Recipients

Walker and Vos love the idea. So what will it cost and what will it accomplish?

Murphy’s Law: Supreme Court Justices for Sale
Murphy’s Law

Supreme Court Justices for Sale

There may be no supreme court in America that’s more corrupted by conflicts of interest.

Murphy’s Law: The County Board’s Anti-Environmental Boondoggle
Murphy’s Law

The County Board’s Anti-Environmental Boondoggle

Its Estabrook Dam decision will cost taxpayers millions and harm environment.

Murphy’s Law: How Could Walker Refuse Incredible Deal?
Murphy’s Law

How Could Walker Refuse Incredible Deal?

Kenosha casino would pay entire taxpayer bill for NBA arena and up to $275 million for any (unlikely) litigation costs. And Walker says no?

Murphy’s Law: Why Walker Had to Cut UW Funding
Murphy’s Law

Why Walker Had to Cut UW Funding

His presidential ambitions left him with no other option.