Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law: The Mystery of Rebecca Bradley
Murphy’s Law

The Mystery of Rebecca Bradley

Who exactly is she? And why didn’t Walker vet his choice for Supreme Court?

Murphy’s Law: Can Art Museum Afford O’Donnell Park?
Murphy’s Law

Can Art Museum Afford O’Donnell Park?

Deal sounds almost too good to be true. Here's a reality check.

Murphy’s Law: Will Priebus Destroy The Republican Party?
Murphy’s Law

Will Priebus Destroy The Republican Party?

Decisions by the RNC chairman from Wisconsin could fatally wound the party.

Murphy’s Law: County Pension Scandal Poster Boys
Murphy’s Law

County Pension Scandal Poster Boys

Six veterans seeking re-election voted for infamous pension plan that ripped off taxpayers.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee’s Economic Challenge
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee’s Economic Challenge

A new study shows Milwaukee is among the ten most distressed cities. Is it accurate?

Murphy’s Law: Where City’s Crime is Rising
Murphy’s Law

Where City’s Crime is Rising

The biggest hike is in Ald. Donovan’s district. No wonder that’s his major issue.

Murphy’s Law: Why Walker Allowed Lincoln Hills Abuses
Murphy’s Law

Why Walker Allowed Lincoln Hills Abuses

His staff knew about it for years. Why didn’t the governor act?

Murphy’s Law: Did Democratic Debate Help Milwaukee?
Murphy’s Law

Did Democratic Debate Help Milwaukee?

And did Clinton or Sanders win? Morning-after reflections.

Murphy’s Law: Stealth Campaign Targets Mayor Barrett
Murphy’s Law

Stealth Campaign Targets Mayor Barrett

He would easily win the April election. But could he take third in Tuesday’s primary?

Murphy’s Law: The Plague of Urban Evictions
Murphy’s Law

The Plague of Urban Evictions

New Yorker reports on evictions of poor renters in Milwaukee. The numbers are shocking.

Murphy’s Law: Will Bill Privatize Water Utilities?
Murphy’s Law

Will Bill Privatize Water Utilities?

Proposed law opens door to companies like Aqua America running local water utilities.

Murphy’s Law: The Myth of Democratic Gerrymandering
Murphy’s Law

The Myth of Democratic Gerrymandering

They all did it in Wisconsin, Republicans declare. Just ask Christian Schneider.