Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law: Is a County Wheel Tax Needed?
Murphy’s Law

Is a County Wheel Tax Needed?

Abele says yes, board members are opposed. Who’s right?

Murphys Law: Rojo On The Rebound
Murphys Law

Rojo On The Rebound

Ron Johnson is fired up and rising in the polls. Can he beat Feingold?

Murphy’s Law: David Clarke the Demagogue
Murphy’s Law

David Clarke the Demagogue

A sheriff who once represented law and order has sold his soul to become a media star.

Murphy’s Law: GOP’s New Way to Suppress Votes
Murphy’s Law

GOP’s New Way to Suppress Votes

States like Wisconsin change voting rules, cause confusion, lower Democratic turnout.

Murphy’s Law: Paul Ryan’s Losing Bet on Trump
Murphy’s Law

Paul Ryan’s Losing Bet on Trump

He finally deserted The Donald, but is it too late to avoid damaging his own career?

Murphy’s Law: The Hypocrisy of the WMC
Murphy’s Law

The Hypocrisy of the WMC

Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce wants no judge recusals -- except when it benefits them.

Murphy’s Law: 13 Lessons The Guardian Taught Us
Murphy’s Law

13 Lessons The Guardian Taught Us

Or how Scott Walker corrupted Wisconsin, as the leaked Doe documents reveal.

Murphy’s Law: Why Wisconsin Needs Mexico
Murphy’s Law

Why Wisconsin Needs Mexico

And how Trump’s get-tough policies will hurt the state.

Murphy’s Law: The New Charlie Sykes
Murphy’s Law

The New Charlie Sykes

He's confessing his errors and getting lots of publicity. Could there be a connection?

Murphy’s Law: Did Walker Raid Veteran’s Home Fund?
Murphy’s Law

Did Walker Raid Veteran’s Home Fund?

Cap Times story on nursing home shows funding was diverted while care declined.

Murphy’s Law: Errors Embarrass Journal Sentinel
Murphy’s Law

Errors Embarrass Journal Sentinel

Washington Post finds problems in James Causey’s work, which JS editors try to hide.

Murphy’s Law: Sylville Smith Probe Looks Suspicious
Murphy’s Law

Sylville Smith Probe Looks Suspicious

AG Brad Schimel’s links to Milwaukee Police raise questions about his investigation.