Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law: About That Foxconn Venture Capital Fund
Murphy’s Law

About That Foxconn Venture Capital Fund

Another big money promise for Wisconsin. Will this one pan out?

Back in the News: Belling Doing His ‘Final’ Cruise
Back in the News

Belling Doing His ‘Final’ Cruise

Conservative radio talker, 64, had stroke in 2019, but says he has no plans to retire.

Murphy’s Law: 8 Ways Police Mishandled Protests
Murphy’s Law

8 Ways Police Mishandled Protests

From Los Angeles to New York, Milwaukee and Wauwatosa, police made similar mistakes.

Back in the News: Meet the Pandemic Profiteers
Back in the News

Meet the Pandemic Profiteers

Menard, Hendricks, Kohler among top 100 plutocrats getting richer during pandemic.

Op Ed: Scott Walker and Voter Suppression
Op Ed

Scott Walker and Voter Suppression

The new GOP maxim: if they think you’re uninformed, you shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

Back in the News: Is Ron Johnson the New Trump?
Back in the News

Is Ron Johnson the New Trump?

The nation's new leader in peddling conspiracy theories. Is he planning a run for president?

Murphy’s Law: Kleefisch Spokesperson Compares Evers to Dahmer
Murphy’s Law

Kleefisch Spokesperson Compares Evers to Dahmer

The former Lt. Governor, who plans a run for governor, gets caught in controversy.

Back in the News: Foxconn Could Invest $13 Billion
Back in the News

Foxconn Could Invest $13 Billion

$3 billion more than original promised investment. But only if it decides to build electric cars. Which looks iffy.

Murphy’s Law: RonAnon Courts National Infamy
Murphy’s Law

RonAnon Courts National Infamy

Why all the conspiracy theories? It’s Ron Johnson’s calculated reelection strategy.

Murphy’s Law: We Energies Reduces Electric Cars’ Impact
Murphy’s Law

We Energies Reduces Electric Cars’ Impact

Batteries charged on coal power aren’t so good for the environment.

Murphy’s Law: Gun Sales Are Soaring in Wisconsin
Murphy’s Law

Gun Sales Are Soaring in Wisconsin

Up 114% since 2000. A change in who owns guns, what kind they own and why they own them.

Murphy’s Law: GOP Leader Supports Dead People Voting
Murphy’s Law

GOP Leader Supports Dead People Voting

Huh? That’s a switch for Repubicans. But it might actually be a good idea.