Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service

Groups Push MPS, Stop Funding Police

Groups Push MPS, Stop Funding Police

Community groups say MPS should stop paying for Milwaukee Police security programs, spend it on education.

Op Ed: We Don’t Need the National Guard
Op Ed

We Don’t Need the National Guard

We need our elected leaders to dismantle racist practices.

Local Bars Await Rules for Reopening

Local Bars Await Rules for Reopening

Some say they're ready, others willing to wait it out.

2-1-1 Operators Handle COVID-19 Crisis Calls

2-1-1 Operators Handle COVID-19 Crisis Calls

IMPACT, the nonprofit that administers 211 phone line, saw daily calls triple after pandemic arose.

Op Ed: My Experience Getting COVID-19 Testing
Op Ed

My Experience Getting COVID-19 Testing

It’s free at city testing site. And helps makes us all safer.

7 Resources for Support During Pandemic

7 Resources for Support During Pandemic

These resources can help you with essential items, services you need to get by.

Making Life Sweeter for Essential Workers

Making Life Sweeter for Essential Workers

Confectionately Yours gives 500 or more cookies a week away to pandemic’s frontline workers.

Op Ed: Black Lives Collateral Damage in Pandemic
Op Ed

Black Lives Collateral Damage in Pandemic

The rush to reopen state is most threatening to the black community.

Life for City’s Essential Workers

Life for City’s Essential Workers

“Not as scary anymore,” says one. “Still have anxiety,” says another.

Resources for Homeowners During the Pandemic

Resources for Homeowners During the Pandemic

These resources can help you with critical repairs to your home.

Want To Grow Your Own Produce?

Want To Grow Your Own Produce?

You can rent gardening space for as little as $25 from Milwaukee County.

Op Ed: The Hell of Human Trafficking
Op Ed

The Hell of Human Trafficking

It's modern day slavery using “mental shackles, manipulation and brainwashing”.