Back in the News

Back in the News: Wisconsin Center Won’t Reconsider Removing Literary Artwork
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Wisconsin Center Won’t Reconsider Removing Literary Artwork

CEO Marty Brooks emails board members to explain why.

Back in the News: Republican Party Raising Cash for Kelly
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Republican Party Raising Cash for Kelly

Emails from 4th District Republican chairman Bob Spindell shows how partisan the race is.

Back in the News: Protasiewicz Crushing Kelly in TV Ads
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Protasiewicz Crushing Kelly in TV Ads

Liberal candidate has run more than three times as many ads as the conservative. Kelly's campaign vows to catch up.

Back in the News: Will David Clarke Take On Tammy Baldwin?
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Will David Clarke Take On Tammy Baldwin?

"America's Sheriff" may run against Democratic U.S. Senator, national story suggests.

Back In The News: State Home Prices Rose 49% in Five Years
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State Home Prices Rose 49% in Five Years

Nationally the average home price rose from $399,700 in 2017 to $535.800 in 2022.

Murphy’s Law: Journal Sentinel Circulation a Disaster
Murphy’s Law

Journal Sentinel Circulation a Disaster

A decline of 35% in one year and 75% in 10 years for combined daily and Sunday print and digital circulation.

Back in the News: Supreme Court Race Could Be Most Expensive in U.S. History
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Supreme Court Race Could Be Most Expensive in U.S. History

Up to $50 million could be spent, with national money pouring into Wisconsin.

Back in the News: Spindell Defends Himself, Spins His Comments
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Spindell Defends Himself, Spins His Comments

He sends media softening language not in his original email about suppressing votes.

Top 10 of 2022: Most Popular ‘Back in the News’ Columns
Top 10 of 2022

Most Popular ‘Back in the News’ Columns

Ron Johnson, Foxconn, Kyle Rittenhouse and the richest people in Wisconsin all made news.

Back in the News: Will Lasry Sell His Bucks Ownership?
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Will Lasry Sell His Bucks Ownership?

"Open" to selling and would make a huge profit, NBA insiders suggest.

Back in the News: Bauman Defends Historic Preservation Process
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Bauman Defends Historic Preservation Process

Developer Tim Gokhman complains HPC 'redesigns your project.'

Back in the News: Bucks Owners Continue to Cash In
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Bucks Owners Continue to Cash In

Team's value now $2.3 billion, a 5-fold increase in value in 8 years, with big help from taxpayers.