Real Estate
Northeast Side Area Plan Held at Committee
The Northeast Side Area Plan which will lay out the vision and guidelines for development within this a large portion of the city was brought forward for approval. ‘ Alderman Bob Bauman proposed two amendments both of which impacted the location of future University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee expansions. One amendment would of made it part of the plan that the City of Milwaukee wouldn’t support construction of new UWM dormitories on the East Side with the possible exception of the former Columbia St. Mary’s Hospital site. The other amendment would suggest that UWM build future dormitories in downtown Milwaukee. Alderman Bauman added that “they should re-double their efforts to locate these dormitories in the central business district”. Alderman Tony Zielinski felt the plan didn’t included enough of the proposed Milwaukee River Overlay District, saying that “I was hoping to see something more concrete”. Further discussion explained that the plan included a high level summary of the overlay district and that the specifics are still being worked out between property owners and neighborhood residents. This file was held to allow for more discussion regarding the possible amendments and to add additional content to the Bronzeville section of the plan. Also of note was Neighborhood House’s appeal of the Historic Preservation Commission’s denial of approval to demolish a pre-1850’s home in the Historic Concordia neighborhood. Neighborhood House had purchased the house to add parking spots and build a bus turnaround. Numerous community members spoke out in opposition to this proposal and the committee seem to recognize their concerns. Alderman Wade stated that “I’m probably not looked at as a friend of the historic preservation folks, historically” but went on to explain that he was glad to be on their side on this issue in this case. Other committee members indicated they were swayed by the citizen reaction and felt there were other options that could be explored to facilitate the bus. This resolution was denied.
Jan 14th, 2009 by Dave ReidThe Park East Park? Absolutely Not
In response to the announcement of the failing of The Residences of Palomar, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ran an editorial talking about the idea of building a temporary park in the Park East land reclaimed from the former freeway spur. The idea is a bad one.
Jan 13th, 2009 by Jeramey JannenePalomar Canceled?
Haven't seen any official announcement yet, but we've heard from a credible source close to the project that the The Residences at Palomar project has been canceled. We'll update this post as we learn more. At the moment, calls in to the project are going unanswered.
Jan 12th, 2009 by Jeramey JanneneMarquette Recieves Zoning Approval From Commission
This meeting had few files acted on but Marquette University’s request for a change in zoning of a variety of university owned properties shows Marquette University is moving ahead on significant projects in downtown Milwaukee. [inaarticlead]It was pointed during the meeting that out that of the 8000 undergraduates at Marquette University approximately 6,500 live within a six block area of the university, many of whom live in university owned student housing. In responses to this ongoing need, Marquette University’s brought this resolution forward primarily because of their intent to convert the apartment building at 1628 W Wisconsin into university run student housing. Whitney Gould asked if any of the other properties receiving a change in zoning could possibly be considered of historic value, to which representatives of Marquette University indicated that none of the buildings were of historic significance. This file was approved and will now go before the Zoning, Neighborhoods & Development Committee.
Jan 8th, 2009 by Dave ReidOur 2009 Top Ten Lists
It's time to look forward to what we can hope for and plan on in 2009.
Jan 5th, 2009 by Jeramey JannenePhotos From the Top of the Downer Avenue Parking Garage
A view from atop the Downer Ave. Parking Garage
Jan 1st, 2009 by Dave ReidFine, Let the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Expand in Wauwatosa
Back in March, 2008 I started an organization that worked to convince the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee that expanding into Wauwatosa was the wrong choice for the university, the City of Milwaukee, and Southeast Wisconsin. T
Dec 30th, 2008 by Dave ReidProtecting the Milwaukee River? Or Overreaching Zoning?
Over the past few years the Milwaukee River Work Group ("MRWG") has pushed to create an overlay district to "protect" the Milwaukee River. This overlay district would create new building setback requirements, height limits, and introduce the concept of a viewshed for properties along the Milwaukee River.
Dec 23rd, 2008 by Dave ReidCommon Council Debates Water Deal
Both, New Land Enterprises' apartment proposal and Mandel Group's UWM dormitory proposal were approved without any debate on the floor and both are expect to break ground after winter.
Dec 18th, 2008 by Dave ReidOgden Avenue Corridor Development
Ogden Ave between N. Van Buren Street and Milwaukee Street has numerous retail establishments, but how well do they work together? Quite poorly. The groupings of stores work fairly well amongst themselves, but as an Ogden Ave retail corridor they turn their backs on one another.
Dec 12th, 2008 by Jeramey JanneneHometown Dorm Site – Additional Project Renderings
Mandel Group's efforts to construct a new UWM dormitory on the East Side took a step forward this week after receiving approval at both the City Plan Commission and the Zoning, Neighborhoods & Development Committee. This matter will be taken up by the full Common Council on December 16th, 2008 and if approved intends to break ground within 90 days.
Dec 11th, 2008 by Dave ReidCommittee Approves UWM Dorm Plan
Two significant East Side projects, New Land Enterprises' Kenilworth apartment building and Mandel Group's dormitory proposal, were on the agenda for this committee meeting.
Dec 10th, 2008 by Dave Reid