Real Estate

Friday Photos: Chroma Climbing
Friday Photos

Chroma Climbing

Final phase of The North End is taking shape.

Intersection: 6 Changes Needed on Commerce & North

6 Changes Needed on Commerce & North

Development, traffic growing, creating a cluster jam. How to improve it.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Bucks Top Off New Arena
Eyes on Milwaukee

Bucks Top Off New Arena

4,400-pound steel beam symbolizes the peak of new arena's construction.

House Confidential: Tiny Railroad Tower House Is Unique
House Confidential

Tiny Railroad Tower House Is Unique

Third Ward's "Interlocking" Tower may be only such residential home in America.

Op Ed: Foxconn Should Embrace Green Goals
Op Ed

Foxconn Should Embrace Green Goals

They’ve operated with high environmental standards in Mexico. Why not in Wisconsin?

Plenty of Horne: Third Ward Ballet Building Okayed
Plenty of Horne

Third Ward Ballet Building Okayed

New 50,000-square-foot building could transform the Milwaukee Ballet.

Murphy’s Law: Paper Peddles Bogus Foxconn Report
Murphy’s Law

Paper Peddles Bogus Foxconn Report

Puffed-up report by Walker crony swallowed whole by Journal Sentinel.

Campaign Cash: Business Lobby Delays “Dark Stores” Bill?
Campaign Cash

Business Lobby Delays “Dark Stores” Bill?

Bill overturns ruling that assesses big-box stores as though they are empty.

Crowdfunding: Help Project Rebuild Sherman Park

Help Project Rebuild Sherman Park

Sherman Phoenix would create vibrant public market with a dozen vendors.

Plenty of Horne: New Projects Reflect Brady Street Boom
Plenty of Horne

New Projects Reflect Brady Street Boom

Infill projects on Arlington and Astor streets, Marshall St. could be next.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Inside Northwestern Mutual Tower
Eyes on Milwaukee

Inside Northwestern Mutual Tower

The state's biggest office building is a stunner, as our story and photos reveal.

County’s Homeless Program A Success

County’s Homeless Program A Success

Based on national model, which found providing housing actually saves money.