Public Safety

12 Years Behind Bars, Now Released

12 Years Behind Bars, Now Released

Milwaukee DA will not retry Ladarius Marshall after federal judge finds his constitutional rights violated at age 16.

Union Workers Join Protest of Systemic Racism

Union Workers Join Protest of Systemic Racism

Three events Monday in Milwaukee, Madison organized by coalition of unions and racial justice groups.

City Hall: FPC Gives Morales 11 Directives, Threatens Firing For Non-Compliance
City Hall

FPC Gives Morales 11 Directives, Threatens Firing For Non-Compliance

Move comes as part of six month review of Morales' performance.

City Hall: Ethics Board Launches Probe of FPC Chair
City Hall

Ethics Board Launches Probe of FPC Chair

Steven DeVougas will be investigated for ethical conflicts; his lawyer blasts "political gamesmanship" by police union.

Back in the News: Could Milwaukee Get Federal Troops?
Back in the News

Could Milwaukee Get Federal Troops?

Trump's chief of staff says administration prepping plan to send troops to Democratic-run cities like Milwaukee.

State Law Allows Suspended Cops on Payroll

State Law Allows Suspended Cops on Payroll

Sometimes for years. Grothman supported 2007 bill to add restrictions, which didn’t pass.

Pence Attacks Biden During Wisconsin Visit

Pence Attacks Biden During Wisconsin Visit

Biden campaign called it damage control for Trump's "historic failure of leadership."

This Weekend’s Protests Against Police Brutality

This Weekend’s Protests Against Police Brutality

Protests this weekend continue the movement that began in late May.

Op Ed: Taking Back Our Streets
Op Ed

Taking Back Our Streets

Reckless driving plagues the city. An new coalition of concerned citizens wants your suggestions.

Evers Issues 18 Pardons

Evers Issues 18 Pardons

The governor revived the pardoning process last year, after former Gov. Walker ignored it for nearly a decade.

Tosa Officer That Killed Three People Suspended

Tosa Officer That Killed Three People Suspended

Wauwatosa's Police and Fire Commission suspends officer Joseph Mensah.

Murphy’s Law: Who Has Power Over Chief Morales?
Murphy’s Law

Who Has Power Over Chief Morales?

Given the shambles at the Fire & Police Commission the answer may be nobody.