
Murphy’s Law: Antonio Riley’s Campaign Coffer Looks Mayoral
Murphy’s Law

Antonio Riley’s Campaign Coffer Looks Mayoral

News reports have made much of the money raised by Ald. Marvin Pratt and Ald. Tom Nardelli, speculating about their chances for mayor.

Murphy’s Law: Why The Mayor is Not Dead
Murphy’s Law

Why The Mayor is Not Dead

Back in the early 1980s, Milwaukee Magazine ran a scathing caricature of Mayor Henry Maier with the title "What Does This Man Do All Day?"

Murphy’s Law: Why the State Doesn’t Hate Tom Ament Any More
Murphy’s Law

Why the State Doesn’t Hate Tom Ament Any More

Time was when Milwaukee County was a favorite whipping boy of the state.

Murphy’s Law: How Sen. Kohl Will Profit From Your Taxes
Murphy’s Law

How Sen. Kohl Will Profit From Your Taxes

Everybody knows the Milwaukee Bucks are losing money.

Murphy’s Law: Is the Plankinton Exit Worth $60 Million?
Murphy’s Law

Is the Plankinton Exit Worth $60 Million?

Some months ago the state Department of Transportation announced a plan for rebuilding the mammoth Marquette Interchange that did not include any exits or entrances at Plankinton Avenue

Murphy’s Law: Why Are Homeowners Subsidizing Cable TV?
Murphy’s Law

Why Are Homeowners Subsidizing Cable TV?

Republican and Democrats can't agree on much, as they squabble over the state budget, but both parties seem to think that AOL Time Warner needs a tax break.

Murphy’s Law: Is Wisconsin Short-Changed By Its Top Foundation?
Murphy’s Law

Is Wisconsin Short-Changed By Its Top Foundation?

With the resignation of Michael Joyce, the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation is looking for a new president.

Murphy’s Law: Why Can’t MATC Get A Good President?
Murphy’s Law

Why Can’t MATC Get A Good President?

Is it possible that no one wants to be president of Milwaukee Area Technical College?

Murphy’s Law: Is Mayor Norquist Sleeping on School Choice?
Murphy’s Law

Is Mayor Norquist Sleeping on School Choice?

In the London Times, Mayor John Norquist is prominently quoted in a story on Milwaukee's school choice program.

Murphy’s Law: Can the New State Superintendent Succeed?
Murphy’s Law

Can the New State Superintendent Succeed?

Herbert Grover is not impressed with the credentials of Elizabeth Burmaster, the new State Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Murphy’s Law: The Rise and Fall of Polly Williams
Murphy’s Law

The Rise and Fall of Polly Williams

Time was when Rep. Annette Polly Williams (D-Milwaukee) was the star of the conservative talk circuit.

Murphy’s Law: How Michael Joyce Sold Himself to George W. Bush
Murphy’s Law

How Michael Joyce Sold Himself to George W. Bush

The way Michael Joyce recalls it; he was watching his old friend William Bennett, the former secretary of education, on the Evans and Novak TV show one fine day.