
Murphy’s Law: Will Taxicab Issue Ever Be Settled?
Murphy’s Law

Will Taxicab Issue Ever Be Settled?

City Attorney’s legal opinion helps clarify things, but it’s still a contentious issue.

The State of Politics: Happy Days Are Here Again
The State of Politics

Happy Days Are Here Again

Gov. Walker’s State-of-the-State speech will be singing a very positive song.

Plenty of Horne: Is Zamarripa’s Democratic Challenger Really Republican?
Plenty of Horne

Is Zamarripa’s Democratic Challenger Really Republican?

He's just 18, but candidate Vincent Synowicz is already mastering the slick verbal skills of a veteran politician.

Murphy’s Law: Democratic Wedge Issues
Murphy’s Law

Democratic Wedge Issues

Republicans are out of step on issues like same sex marriage and medical marijuana.

Murphy’s Law: Republican Spat Exposes Party’s Divisions
Murphy’s Law

Republican Spat Exposes Party’s Divisions

Fight between Sensenbrenner and Ron Johnson over Obamacare is fascinating, revealing.

The State of Politics: Drunk Driving Becomes Campaign Issue
The State of Politics

Drunk Driving Becomes Campaign Issue

Issue of whether to make first-time OWI a crime is hot issue in attorney general race.

Unaffordable Care

Unaffordable Care

Citizens Action of Wisconsin conference shows impact of the Affordable Care Act and Gov. Walker’s decisions on Medicaid.

Murphy’s Law: Telephone Company Rip-Off
Murphy’s Law

Telephone Company Rip-Off

Now that the telecom industry is deregulated, AT&T can gouge customers with late fees.

Walker’s No-Pardon Stance Is Risky

Walker’s No-Pardon Stance Is Risky

He argues it's a matter of principle not to undermine judicial system. Will the decision hurt him in an election?

The State of Politics: How to End the Income Tax
The State of Politics

How to End the Income Tax

Tax pros offer suggestions to Gov. Walker.

Murphy’s Law: Crystal Ball for 2014
Murphy’s Law

Crystal Ball for 2014

25 predictions that are certain (well, maybe) to come true this year.

Plenty of Horne: Gwen Moore “Educates” Ted Cruz
Plenty of Horne

Gwen Moore “Educates” Ted Cruz

Speaking at St. John's on the Lake, she talks about her conversation with Cruz, earmarks and voter ID.