
Murphy’s Law: GOP Circus Puts Spotlight on Milwaukee
Murphy’s Law

GOP Circus Puts Spotlight on Milwaukee

Protestors protested as Republican presidential candidates debated. So who won?

Bill Forces 3-Year Wait for School Referendums

Bill Forces 3-Year Wait for School Referendums

Fine print shows schools whose funding referendums fail must wait 3 years to relaunch.

Murphy’s Law: How Dark Money Will Rule Wisconsin
Murphy’s Law

How Dark Money Will Rule Wisconsin

Two Republican bills about to pass could make this a vassal state of wealthy special interests.

Plenty of Horne: Milwaukee School Named After Ben Carson
Plenty of Horne

Milwaukee School Named After Ben Carson

The Benjamin Carson Academy of Science "fails to meet expectations." Remind you of anyone?

The State of Politics: 21% of Gas Tax Will Go to Repay Debt
The State of Politics

21% of Gas Tax Will Go to Repay Debt

Debt level has doubled in a decade, yet legislators approve plan.

Op-Ed: How Sheriff Clarke Wrecked House of Correction

How Sheriff Clarke Wrecked House of Correction

And how it’s been improved since he lost control.

Op-Ed: Legislature Must Act to Help Veterans

Legislature Must Act to Help Veterans

Because of long wait times for veterans, their mental health care needs are not met.

Legislators Borrow $350 Million for Highways

Legislators Borrow $350 Million for Highways

Bipartisan law will drive up debt and take from general fund for education and other needs.

Murphy’s Law: Abele Faces Attack on Free Bus Rides
Murphy’s Law

Abele Faces Attack on Free Bus Rides

Though his challenger for county exec, Chris Larson, is undecided on issue, it could still impact the race.

Wisconsin Not High in Taxes, Spending

Wisconsin Not High in Taxes, Spending

Ranks 25th in spending and 21st in taxes and fees per capita.

Data Wonk: Has Wisconsin Become a Can’t Do State?
Data Wonk

Has Wisconsin Become a Can’t Do State?

State’s still lagging economy points to problems with political leadership.

Torinus: Can Ryan Succeed as Speaker?

Can Ryan Succeed as Speaker?

If he seeks innovative solutions, he might forge some grand compromises.