
Murphy’s Law: Journal Sentinel Bias In Mayor’s Race?
Murphy’s Law

Journal Sentinel Bias In Mayor’s Race?

And was its story on Rebecca Bradley’s affair “offensive garbage”?

Duel Over the Domes

Duel Over the Domes

Abele and county board creating dueling committees to address damaged domes.

Data Wonk: Caperton Rule Could Kill John Doe Decision
Data Wonk

Caperton Rule Could Kill John Doe Decision

State high court’s Doe ruling runs afoul of U.S. Supreme Court decision on judicial conflicts.

Murphy’s Law: The Mystery of Rebecca Bradley
Murphy’s Law

The Mystery of Rebecca Bradley

Who exactly is she? And why didn’t Walker vet his choice for Supreme Court?

NEWaukeean of the Week: Meagan Holman
NEWaukeean of the Week

Meagan Holman

"Milwaukee felt like it would give us room to create and thrive, and we weren’t wrong."

Wisconsin Budget: Who Gets Biggest Piece of the Pie?
Wisconsin Budget

Who Gets Biggest Piece of the Pie?

Five pie charts show the increase in inequality and poverty in Wisconsin.

The State of Politics: Five Years After Act 10
The State of Politics

Five Years After Act 10

Most players in the contentious Act 10 drama have since moved on to other positions.

Op-Ed: What I’ve Done to Promote Open Records

What I’ve Done to Promote Open Records

Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel describes steps taken by his department.

Op-Ed: Four Questions for Rebecca Bradley

Four Questions for Rebecca Bradley

Justice Bradley's written opinions raise legal questions voters should ask, she should address.

Murphy’s Law: Can Art Museum Afford O’Donnell Park?
Murphy’s Law

Can Art Museum Afford O’Donnell Park?

Deal sounds almost too good to be true. Here's a reality check.

Wisconsin Budget: Benefits for Poor Don’t Discourage Work
Wisconsin Budget

Benefits for Poor Don’t Discourage Work

Bill to address "benefits cliff" is based on mostly exaggerated examples.

House Confidential: The Two Homes of Rebecca Bradley
House Confidential

The Two Homes of Rebecca Bradley

Judge has Tosa Colonial and a Lower East Side condo near all those gays she condemned.