
Murphy’s Law: Why Ryan Opposed Buy American Plan
Murphy’s Law

Why Ryan Opposed Buy American Plan

Baldwin plan echoed Trump’s doctrine, got killed by lobbyists for foreign companies.

Op Ed: Choice Schools Must Share Data
Op Ed

Choice Schools Must Share Data

Voucher advocates like Scott Jensen were wrong; parents need to know achievement data.

Data Wonk: What Do Trump’s Voters Want?
Data Wonk

What Do Trump’s Voters Want?

Data provides clear picture of Trump country. Democrats may need new policies.

Campaign Cash: Child Support Tax Exemption Returns
Campaign Cash

Child Support Tax Exemption Returns

Controversial proposal for the wealthy was traced to donor to Walker, Kleefisch.

Op Ed: Sykes Exits Cruel World He Helped Create
Op Ed

Sykes Exits Cruel World He Helped Create

His talk radio show was part of the problem. Will he help find solutions?

Out Look: Guerrilla Gay Bar Leader Tells All
Out Look

Guerrilla Gay Bar Leader Tells All

Why the group started a decade ago, why it disbanded -- and why it’s needed again.

Op Ed: Why I Want to Remove Estabrook Dam
Op Ed

Why I Want to Remove Estabrook Dam

It’s better for the environment, better for the county’s budget.

The State of Politics: Republicans Will Review Recount Process
The State of Politics

Republicans Will Review Recount Process

Though it went smoothly, Vos and Walker may want changes in the law.

Campaign Cash: AG Brad Schimel Seeks Reelection
Campaign Cash

AG Brad Schimel Seeks Reelection

Attorney General got $1.7 million in special interest funding in 2014 and delivered for them.

Court Watch: Judge Hill May Face Three Challengers
Court Watch

Judge Hill May Face Three Challengers

Valarie Hill, a judge since 2004, is being challenged for municipal court’s failings.

Op Ed: Make Lemonade From Trump’s Lemons
Op Ed

Make Lemonade From Trump’s Lemons

However chaotic his style, his team could take on issues like China trade imbalance.

Murphy’s Law: Paul Ryan’s Patriotism At Issue?
Murphy’s Law

Paul Ryan’s Patriotism At Issue?

House Republicans he oversaw used illegally hacked information from Russians.