
Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee Subsidizes The State
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee Subsidizes The State

The city gets only 66 cents in state spending for every dollar in state taxes paid.

Op Ed: Unemployment Law Hurts Workers
Op Ed

Unemployment Law Hurts Workers

Also businesses, communities. Lawmaker seeks override of Walker administration rule.

The State of Politics: Legislators Could Trim Walker Budget
The State of Politics

Legislators Could Trim Walker Budget

Does governor expect them to throw out his bag of goodies?

Biking: Good Budget for Bikes?

Good Budget for Bikes?

Walker budget hikes local roads funding by 25%. But legislators may change it.

Fighting the “Dark Store Loophole”

Fighting the “Dark Store Loophole”

Big box stores like Walgreens and Menards claim tax loophole. Cities oppose it.

Op Ed: Walker’s Budget Makes Schools More Unequal
Op Ed

Walker’s Budget Makes Schools More Unequal

Old equalized aid formula is broken. Governor makes inequity even worse.

Op Ed: Our Reforms Pay Big Dividends
Op Ed

Our Reforms Pay Big Dividends

Common sense conservative changes benefit taxpayers, Gov. Walker says.

Wisconsin Budget: Budget Boost Helps Wealthiest Schools
Wisconsin Budget

Budget Boost Helps Wealthiest Schools

New funding in Walker budget targets school districts least in need.

Campaign Cash: Campaign Clout of Anti-Abortion Groups
Campaign Cash

Campaign Clout of Anti-Abortion Groups

They support only Republicans, and want to end abortion coverage for state workers.

Data Wonk: The Curious Politics Of Rural Counties
Data Wonk

The Curious Politics Of Rural Counties

New voting data shows their power, but makes their trust in Trump a mystery.

Op Ed: 6 Wisconsin Innovators On Health Care
Op Ed

6 Wisconsin Innovators On Health Care

GOP Obamacare “replacers” consulting wrong people, should talk with real problem solvers.

Campaign Cash: Tavern League Favors Drunk Driving Bill
Campaign Cash

Tavern League Favors Drunk Driving Bill

Big donor to politicians wants tougher penalties but easy on first-time offenders.