
The State of Politics: Will Wisconsin Use Private Prisons?
The State of Politics

Will Wisconsin Use Private Prisons?

Wisconsin's adult inmate population is expected to grow to 23,233 by mid-2019.

A Call for Clean Water

A Call for Clean Water

Community leaders push city to rid Milwaukee's water of lead.

Wisconsin Budget: Few Jobs From Huge Tax Break
Wisconsin Budget

Few Jobs From Huge Tax Break

State manufacturers get $457 million tax, yet trail nation badly in new jobs.

Jennifer Gonda On the Hot Seat

Jennifer Gonda On the Hot Seat

New Water Works director opposed by some aldermen, and faces tough lead pipes issue.

Your Right to Know: How Legislators Hide Controversial Bills
Your Right to Know

How Legislators Hide Controversial Bills

A 999 motion, designed for budget fixes, increasingly used to hide pet projects.

Data Wonk: Can Governors Do Much About Economy?
Data Wonk

Can Governors Do Much About Economy?

Less than people think. But more, perhaps, than Walker is doing.

Op Ed: Study on MAC Tax Credit Badly Flawed
Op Ed

Study on MAC Tax Credit Badly Flawed

Manufacturing and Agriculture credit goes to wealthy, not to job creation.

Campaign Cash: Koch-Backed Texas Group Lobbies Here
Campaign Cash

Koch-Backed Texas Group Lobbies Here

With $73 million in funding, it lobbies for long list of conservative causes.

Op Ed: The Freedom to Work For Less
Op Ed

The Freedom to Work For Less

New labor law by Walker and GOP is all about “freedom”... Not.

Murphy’s Law: The Incompetence of Brad Schimel
Murphy’s Law

The Incompetence of Brad Schimel

AG's handling of a voter fraud claim is an epic case of ineptitude.

Campaign Cash: GOP Bill Targets Local Wheel Taxes
Campaign Cash

GOP Bill Targets Local Wheel Taxes

100 proposals restricting local governance passed since 2011.

Op Ed: Trump Should Go Big on Health Care
Op Ed

Trump Should Go Big on Health Care

Turn states loose as innovators, create 50 different pilot plans.