
Op Ed: Voters Strongly Support Higher Gas Tax
Op Ed

Voters Strongly Support Higher Gas Tax

So maybe Republicans should embrace it as a solution.

Wisconsin Budget: Trump Budget Will Hurt State Workers
Wisconsin Budget

Trump Budget Will Hurt State Workers

Yet his campaign promised new opportunities for workers.

The State of Politics: Polling Lists Could Go Digital
The State of Politics

Polling Lists Could Go Digital

Elections commission to replace paper lists with “e-poll books.”

Campaign Cash: GOP Considers Heavy Fees for Trucks
Campaign Cash

GOP Considers Heavy Fees for Trucks

Trucking lobby opposes solution to transportation shortfall.

Workers Fleeing America’s Dairyland

Workers Fleeing America’s Dairyland

Hostile rhetoric and immigration arrests pushing dairy workers out.

Op Ed: An Unequal Education?
Op Ed

An Unequal Education?

State school funding formula broken; GOP solutions worsen problem.

Wisconsin Budget: Changes to Medicaid Leave Wisconsin Behind
Wisconsin Budget

Changes to Medicaid Leave Wisconsin Behind

American Health Care Act locks in Wisconsin’s lower federal funding

Op Ed: Investing in Our Workforce
Op Ed

Investing in Our Workforce

My Wisconsin Works for Everyone welfare reform package offers hands-on skills and job training.

Op Ed: Create an Economy for Everyone
Op Ed

Create an Economy for Everyone

Democrats propose a middle class tax cut, paid for with taxes on the wealthy.

Op Ed: Republicans Lost The Healthcare Debate
Op Ed

Republicans Lost The Healthcare Debate

And they’re perfectly fine with that.

The State of Politics: MPS Loses Most Under Assembly GOP School-Aid Plan
The State of Politics

MPS Loses Most Under Assembly GOP School-Aid Plan

Gov. Walker's school-aid plan provides $14.8 million more than Assembly plan for MPS.

Does “Death Tax” Hurt State Businesses?

Does “Death Tax” Hurt State Businesses?

Paul Ryan says yes. The data shows less than 1% affected.