
Campaign Cash: Special Interests Target 10th Senate District
Campaign Cash

Special Interests Target 10th Senate District

One Democratic and two Republican groups will run phony issue ads.

Op Ed: Legislature Must Act On Prison Safety
Op Ed

Legislature Must Act On Prison Safety

More protections needed for prison workers, proposed bill provides solutions.

Murphy’s Law: State’s New Top Policy Wonk
Murphy’s Law

State’s New Top Policy Wonk

Rob Henken will run merged WisTax and Public Policy Forum. Oh, the attacks he will face.

Donovan Says City Terrorized by Villains

Donovan Says City Terrorized by Villains

“I am not fabricating, falsifying,” he says, decrying current approaches to crime.

Op Ed: Too Many Young People Leaving Wisconsin
Op Ed

Too Many Young People Leaving Wisconsin

So how can we make this state a place of opportunity?

Police Chief Flynn Resigns

Police Chief Flynn Resigns

Nationally known chief who changed Milwaukee department retires at age 69.

Campaign Cash: GOP Lawmaker’s Possible Ethics Violation
Campaign Cash

GOP Lawmaker’s Possible Ethics Violation

Ethics Commission finds Rep Kulp uses state media accounts to promote his business.

The State of Politics: Politics May Doom School Funding Panel
The State of Politics

Politics May Doom School Funding Panel

Nearly everyone agrees system needs reform, but can’t agree how to do it.

Op Ed: Help Needed to Prevent Veterans’ Suicides
Op Ed

Help Needed to Prevent Veterans’ Suicides

22 veterans commit suicide every day in U.S. Proposed state program addresses issue.

Op Ed: Public Opposes Trump Crackdown on Pot
Op Ed

Public Opposes Trump Crackdown on Pot

75% oppose Sessions’ proposal to prosecute pot users in states where it’s legal.

Back in the News: Sykes, Clarke Still Hate Each Other
Back in the News

Sykes, Clarke Still Hate Each Other

Sykes keeps attacking his old pal, while Clarke is muzzled by Twitter.

Campaign Cash: Bill Helps Real Estate Industry
Campaign Cash

Bill Helps Real Estate Industry

Weakens historic preservation and tenants rights. Realtors big donors to legislators.