
Campaign Cash: Sweetheart Bill For Rent-to-Own Industry
Campaign Cash

Sweetheart Bill For Rent-to-Own Industry

Two GOP legislators given donations from industry would exempt it from consumer protection laws.

Data Wonk: Why Does GOP Want To Raise My Taxes?
Data Wonk

Why Does GOP Want To Raise My Taxes?

And why do I get nothing back in return but a bigger federal deficit?

Wisconsin Budget: House Tax Plan Punishes Working Families
Wisconsin Budget

House Tax Plan Punishes Working Families

They lose child tax credit for 23 million children, including 159,000 in Wisconsin.

City’s Anti-Violence Effort Stalls

City’s Anti-Violence Effort Stalls

Office of Violence Prevention’s plan was due in June. Donovan, others criticize delay.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Historic Preservation in Peril
Eyes on Milwaukee

Historic Preservation in Peril

Job-creating historic preservation tax credits face cuts again, this time from Congress.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Affordable Housing in Every Major Project?
Eyes on Milwaukee

Affordable Housing in Every Major Project?

Proposal would require it for any project with 20 or more units. Will developers oppose it?

Court Watch: Vukmir Bill Will Cause Prison Bed Shortage
Court Watch

Vukmir Bill Will Cause Prison Bed Shortage

State prisons already overcrowded; bill would add 1,800 inmates, cost $57 million per year.

Wisconsin Budget: 300,000 State Residents Would See Tax Hike
Wisconsin Budget

300,000 State Residents Would See Tax Hike

U.S. Senate tax plan gives huge gains to wealthy, hikes taxes on 1 in 11 people.

Murphy’s Law: Brad Schimel’s Opioid Problem
Murphy’s Law

Brad Schimel’s Opioid Problem

Attorney General has been reluctant to pursue opioid manufacturers. Why?

Federal Grant Funds Anti-Violence Programs

Federal Grant Funds Anti-Violence Programs

City won $5 million grant, subcontracts with seven groups on anti-violence programs.

Foxconn Signing Is a Love Fest

Foxconn Signing Is a Love Fest

Walker rhapsodizes about the deal, and welcomes workers from Illinois.

Campaign Cash: Walker Says He Fears “Outside Money”
Campaign Cash

Walker Says He Fears “Outside Money”

But he’s been a huge beneficiary of donations from outside the state.