
Murphy’s Law: Should Barrett Worry About Reelection?
Murphy’s Law

Should Barrett Worry About Reelection?

Another easy win seems certain. Which may not be so good for Milwaukee.

City Hall: Group Wants Lena Taylor for Mayor
City Hall

Group Wants Lena Taylor for Mayor

Mysterious group holding mayoral fundraiser for her. But Taylor wants nothing to do with it.

Wisconsin Budget: 4 Immigration Policies to Boost Economy
Wisconsin Budget

4 Immigration Policies to Boost Economy

State policy changes would help immigrants earn higher wages, buy more products, pay more taxes.

Op Ed: For-Profit Colleges Need State Oversight
Op Ed

For-Profit Colleges Need State Oversight

Walker opened door to abuse. Evers has reinstated the Educational Approval Board.

Parties Eye Candidates For Duffy’s Seat

Parties Eye Candidates For Duffy’s Seat

Republican state Sen. Tom Tiffany and Democratic Rep. Nick Milroy consider run for Congress.

Op Ed: Should College Students Avoid Debt?
Op Ed

Should College Students Avoid Debt?

If done wisely, borrowing money for college can be a wise investment.

Campaign Cash: Shipbuilder Gives to Fund for Democrats
Campaign Cash

Shipbuilder Gives to Fund for Democrats

Donation followed by Gov. Evers announcing plan for $31 million in state support to help company expand.

About Those UW Free Speech Violations

About Those UW Free Speech Violations

Not one violation on 26 campuses of UW Regents’ policy. But legislators want to pass tough law.

Murphy’s Law: Journal Sentinel Slams “Liberal” News Site
Murphy’s Law

Journal Sentinel Slams “Liberal” News Site

Claims Wisconsin Examiner is “partisan” and “slanted” but provides not one example.

State Continues Millennial Marketing Campaign

State Continues Millennial Marketing Campaign

Evers wouldn’t fund program begun by Walker, but WEDC finds money from elsewhere in its budget.

GOP Congressman Sean Duffy Resigning

GOP Congressman Sean Duffy Resigning

Northern Wisconsin Republican wants to focus on his growing family.

The State of Politics: State School Spending Hits Record $6 Billion
The State of Politics

State School Spending Hits Record $6 Billion

Both parties take credit for K-12 schools funding hike. But can it be sustained?