
Ron Johnson Spoke Against Outgoing Republican Elections Commissioner

Ron Johnson Spoke Against Outgoing Republican Elections Commissioner

Senator told Assembly Speaker Vos that Knudson 'lost the confidence of the grassroots Republicans,' according to his spokesperson.

Dropbox Ruling Could Disenfranchise Disabled Voters

Dropbox Ruling Could Disenfranchise Disabled Voters

State Supreme Court hearing suit after a circuit court ruling state law requires voters to physically return absentee ballots.

Op Ed: Prescription Drug Prices Are Outrageous
Op Ed

Prescription Drug Prices Are Outrageous

Seniors in Wisconsin and nation can't afford it. US Senate must act to rein in prices.

Rep. Deb Andraca Ran To Change Gun Laws

Rep. Deb Andraca Ran To Change Gun Laws

Recent mass shootings a reminder that gun control laws have gone nowhere in Wisconsin.

Republican Dean Knudson Resigns Election Commission

Republican Dean Knudson Resigns Election Commission

Knudson said 'highest levels' of the Republican party told him to resign.

Data Wonk: How To Grow Wisconsin’s Wealth Gap
Data Wonk

How To Grow Wisconsin’s Wealth Gap

The Institute for Reforming Government offers a plan to help the wealthy.

Gathering To Spread the Big Lie

Gathering To Spread the Big Lie

‘Election Integrity’ event in Kenosha offers a cash bar and lots of debunked conspiracy theories.

State Democrats Push Gun Restrictions After Texas Shootings

State Democrats Push Gun Restrictions After Texas Shootings

Kaul calls for law requiring background checks and preventing sale of 'ghost guns.'

Protasiewicz Running For Supreme Court

Protasiewicz Running For Supreme Court

Milwaukee circuit court judge running in 2023 election for seat being vacated by retiring Justice Roggensack.

Council Members Asking RNC For $6 Million

Council Members Asking RNC For $6 Million

Milwaukee can't otherwise benefit from convention because of lack of sales or hotel tax.

Are Wisconsin’s Politicians Paid Too Much?

Are Wisconsin’s Politicians Paid Too Much?

The issue arises anew after Milwaukee school board members give themselves a raise.

Murphy’s Law: Clancy Runs As Double-Dipping Socialist
Murphy’s Law

Clancy Runs As Double-Dipping Socialist

Running for Legislature, but would continue as county supervisor, collecting both salaries.