
Murphy’s Law: Michels, Johnson Are Threats to Democracy
Murphy’s Law

Michels, Johnson Are Threats to Democracy

Both have engaged in or plan actions to overthrow democratic elections.

Republicans Seek Veto-Proof Legislature

Republicans Seek Veto-Proof Legislature

GOP supermajority possible if they flip one senate district, five assembly seats now held by Democrats.

The State of Politics: Poll Workers Offered ‘Active Shooter’ Training
The State of Politics

Poll Workers Offered ‘Active Shooter’ Training

I volunteered to be a poll worker. Little did I know how things had changed.

City Hall: When Will Nikiya Dodd Resign?
City Hall

When Will Nikiya Dodd Resign?

Alderwoman returns after six-week absence, declines to answer any questions from press.

Vote Tuesday: 2nd District Common Council Race
Vote Tuesday

2nd District Common Council Race

Ballard vs Chambers in race to represent city district formerly held by Cavalier Johnson.

The Life Cycle of Election Ballots

The Life Cycle of Election Ballots

State's election system has many checks and balances to assure integrity of election.

Op-Ed: Gov. Evers Is Delivering for Our Kids

Gov. Evers Is Delivering for Our Kids

A champion of education funding, helping our schools' national ranking rise. Tim Michels would take us backward.

AG Candidate Eric Toney Targets Milwaukee Crime

AG Candidate Eric Toney Targets Milwaukee Crime

GOP challenger would have DOJ take over cases Milwaukee DA declines to prosecute.

Kaul Says State Shouldn’t Enforce Abortion Ban

Kaul Says State Shouldn’t Enforce Abortion Ban

If re-elected, Attorney General will prioritize prosecuting homicide, rape, major crimes.

Bernie Sanders Barnstorms Wisconsin

Bernie Sanders Barnstorms Wisconsin

Democrat Socialist campaigns for state Dems in four college towns: Eau Claire, La Crosse, Madison and Oshkosh.

Vote Tuesday: Milwaukee Candidates for Wisconsin State Senate
Vote Tuesday

Milwaukee Candidates for Wisconsin State Senate

And congressional race for fourth district seat.

Vote Tuesday: Milwaukee Candidates For State Assembly
Vote Tuesday

Milwaukee Candidates For State Assembly

A number of contested races, including a high-stakes open seat in the southwest corner of the city.