
Election 2010: Hang on, it’s a Republican tidal wave
Election 2010

Hang on, it’s a Republican tidal wave

In Wisconsin, the GOP are awash in victory. But will Walker and Johnson sink or swim? And what is Russ Feingold planning for 2012?

Working against intolerance

Working against intolerance

Between the ruckus over a community center and inane rants of a minister in Florida, anti-Islam sentiment is on the rise. Not only is it hateful, it's un-American.

America values free speech and faith – even if it’s misguided

America values free speech and faith – even if it’s misguided

Terry Jones has incited a firestorm towards America by planning to burn the Koran. He has the right to do it, but that doesn't mean it's right.

Abandoned by FEMA, flood victims find a ray of hope

Abandoned by FEMA, flood victims find a ray of hope

Common Council President Willie Hines saw two problems -- people left homeless by the flood and a swath of foreclosed properties -- and found a solution for both.

Doing right by our most vulnerable citizens

Doing right by our most vulnerable citizens

After disturbing information came to light, the County Board started cleaning up the Mental Health Complex. Now they need to remove the censure of Lynn DeBruin.

View from the Waiting Room: Neumann – No ObamaCare, cut BadgerCare
View from the Waiting Room

Neumann – No ObamaCare, cut BadgerCare

It’s sketchy on details, but Republican Mark Neumann’s health reform agenda is more thorough than what other gubernatorial candidates have out there.

Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin turns 75

Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin turns 75

From its humble beginnings as a volunteer clinic in Milwaukee in 1935, PPWI has grown to become Wisconsin's largest provider of reproductive health care.

Primary Coverage: Democrats duke it out in assembly and senate races
Primary Coverage

Democrats duke it out in assembly and senate races

Local assembly and senate primary races focus on Democratic credentials, job creation and MPS.

Blind justice flies the rainbow flag

Blind justice flies the rainbow flag

George H.W. Bush appointee Chief Judge Vaughn Walker overturns Prop 8 under the crazy notion that the legality of marriage is not about values - it's about rights.

Religious freedom for all

Religious freedom for all

Muslims wish to worship within blocks of Ground Zero. This is what America is about; to say otherwise is an affront to our Constitution and democratic values.

Barrett’s budget briefing: Not pretty for 2011
Barrett’s budget briefing

Not pretty for 2011

Budget season is here and Tom Barrett still has some ideas for Milwaukee: maintain safety, fix the sewers, pay off debt and hold the tax levy flat. It won't be easy.

“Wisconsin is not Arizona” — Milwaukee protests SB1070

“Wisconsin is not Arizona” — Milwaukee protests SB1070

Despite a federal judge's deft blow to Arizona's controversial immigration bill this week, the national day of protest went on. Words and photos from Ziedler Park.