Milwaukee World

Murphy’s Law: Is The Legislature Giving Free Money To Fat Cat Investors?
Murphy’s Law

Is The Legislature Giving Free Money To Fat Cat Investors?

Glenn Grothman is not a happy camper.

Murphy’s Law: The Bitter Feud Between the Bradley Center and Wisconsin Center
Murphy’s Law

The Bitter Feud Between the Bradley Center and Wisconsin Center

The "negotiations" by the Bradley Center and the Wisconsin Center District have begun to resemble the feud between the Hatfields and McCoys.

Murphy’s Law: Why Did Chief Jones Protect a Man With a Violent Record?
Murphy’s Law

Why Did Chief Jones Protect a Man With a Violent Record?

Earlier this week, Milwaukee Police Chief Jones used his power to protect Wendell Jones, the husband of County Supervisor Elizabeth Coggs-Jones.

Murphy’s Law: The Milwaukee School Board’s Incumbent Protection Plan
Murphy’s Law

The Milwaukee School Board’s Incumbent Protection Plan

Consultant Fred Kessler drew up a redistricting plan that would carve out a Hispanic school board district, but almost no one on the board seems to support the idea.

Murphy’s Law: How Scott McCallum Plans to Raise Your Taxes
Murphy’s Law

How Scott McCallum Plans to Raise Your Taxes

Sometime in the coming week, Gov. Scott McCallum will be meeting secretly with lobbyists in Minocqua, of all places, to discuss a plan to cut school spending and force property tax increases as a way to balance the state budget.

Murphy’s Law: Could The Brewers Benefit If Minnesota Loses Its Team?
Murphy’s Law

Could The Brewers Benefit If Minnesota Loses Its Team?

Baseball commissioner Bud Selig has scoffed at complaints from Twin Cities newspapers that eliminating a baseball team there would benefit the Milwaukee Brewers.

Murphy’s Law: The Truth About the Di Suvero Sculpture
Murphy’s Law

The Truth About the Di Suvero Sculpture

It's been amusing to see all the hand wringing by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel as to whether we dare move the Di Suvero sculpture.

Murphy’s Law: How Mayor Norquist’s Salary Cut Lowers Property Taxes
Murphy’s Law

How Mayor Norquist’s Salary Cut Lowers Property Taxes

John Norquist styles himself as a budget cutter, but few are aware of how personally he has taken that mission.

Murphy’s Law: Could Ed Thompson Get Elected Governor?
Murphy’s Law

Could Ed Thompson Get Elected Governor?

It's a wacky idea, but Ed Thompson may turn out to be a real spoiler in the race for governor.

Murphy’s Law: How The County’s Pension Fund Grew And Benefited A Few
Murphy’s Law

How The County’s Pension Fund Grew And Benefited A Few

Last year was a terrible year for stock funds, but it wasn't so bad for Milwaukee County's pension fund.

Murphy’s Law: How Tom Ament Gave Himself a Golden Parachute
Murphy’s Law

How Tom Ament Gave Himself a Golden Parachute

Observers have often described county government as an "old boy's club," where veteran politicos and long-term county employees get preferential treatment.

Murphy’s Law: Can New President Darnell Cole Rescue MATC?
Murphy’s Law

Can New President Darnell Cole Rescue MATC?

Not long after arriving in town, new MATC president Darnell Cole called Greater Milwaukee Committee President Bob Milbourne and asked to meet.